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Signs For Scholarship
_;~------------ - -- -----------~ LARebeleHe Signs With ECJC . ·~
Leake's girls to a 25·5 record and their first ever girls' stale championship This past year the Rebelettes were 26-3 as Smith a\·erage 9.6 ppg. She made the all Sub-district team tv.o :.cars at LA. Angela IS the daughter of Mr and Mrs Ra) Smith of ~tadden.
,Angela Smith. a 5"7'' guard \tho helped the Leake Aeademy Rebelettes to a 67·21 record the past three years, s1gned a basketball si-holarship to attend ECJC As a sophomore Smith helped the Rebelettes to a 14-13 record. Her jtmior year She averag~ 9.0 ppg helping
Coach Doyle Wolverton satd, Tm really proud for -\ngel. c;he ~.~;.1s a very dedicated team player and we could always count on her giving a 100 percent effort She w11l make a good poml guard as she handles the ball very well w1th both hands."
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