
ichelberger honored we::s ~/J7/S4 . Joy Eichelberger, East game she did not score in said, "Joy ia ooe in a 10111 qu~ekneu and can lboot Central J ~nlor College double figures, she line of SUJlriael who baa from any place on tbe freshman, had an out- sprained her ankle early made good in basketball court. Wbeo I saw her standin& on the ind Gilly pla,ed tbe firlt at East Ceatral. Sbe II • play at ...._v.._.. !basket l~urt. part of the game. true athlete and athletic ·noticed that sbe was a recognition of her Commentln& on her ability is what makes one good athlete and I took a achievements she has excellent caliber of play, excel oo tbe coDece level. chance on that and siped been selected to tbe First ECJC Coach Lucille Wood She bas exceptional her. Now I'm happy I did. Team All.State and All- 1 am looking forward to Region 23 which 11 ber playing next year composed of • fissisaippi " a1q with our ~ and Louisiana. sophomores who made Miss Eichelberger was aeellent contributlona to one of the leading scorers our team." in the state collecting a MJu Eicbelbeqer ia total of 594 PQints for a 22 tbe dauehter of Mr. and per game average. She Mrs. Calvin Eidlelberler attempted 217 free shots, of Selma Street in almost as many as the Louisville.

other team memberf combined. She averaged ntteD)ptiug 12.76 per game. In a game at Hinds Junior College, she set a new school record of 25, breaking the record of 21 set by former Louisville All-Stater Ester Tbomu in a game with Co-Lin in 1980. Miss Eichelberger scortd in double figures in evert game but one. She played m 13 games with 20 plus points, five games with 30 or more points, and an incredible high of 41 pomts in one game agafnst Clarke. In that game she made 14 field g®Is and 13 for 16 at the free throw Une and left tbe game witb over four mmutes to play. The ooe

Joy Eichelberger

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