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March 27, 1985, The Newton Record-78
Everett Elected Representative
During the recent Annual Spring Meeting of the Mississippi Busi– ness Education Association, Jessie M. Everett of East Central Junior College was elected Southern Business Education Association Representative for a three year term. Mrs. Everett will be representing the Mississippi business teachers at the Southern and National Business Education meetings. Completing twenty-nine years in the business dapartment at East Central, Mrs. Everett is presently serving MBEA on the Board of Trustees. She has formerly filled the capacities of MBEA president , MBEA secretary. Junior College Representative to the executive board. Mrs. Everett has been selected as a member of the Missi!>sippi Business Teacher Hall of Fame, Mississippi's Outstanding Junior College Business teacher for 1984, md was nominated for the National J unior College Business Teacher of the Year.
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