ECJC Basketball Camp Set East Central Jwllor College, under the clfrectorahlp <>f COach Steve Rivet, will~ c:onductmg basketball cllnlcs thiJ swnmer. The purpost" bein& to pro\ide an inst:rucllonal camp 1n the skills of basketball for atbletes 1n tbe 8th-12th grades. 'lllte week of JWlt 16-21 will be for boys, and the week of July i-U for gxrls. The clinic will CODSi.st of 3- 2 boar seSsions daD}. Thtre wtll ~ onMn· one ~ free-throw cbampior.lblps, and ICrimroaltt at nilbt. fteciltratioo wiD take place Scmday, J llllf l~ from 3· CJO.$. 00 p m. for boys and Sw.day, Jnlr 6 for girls. The toeal cost of the clinlc will ~ teo 00 wbidllndudes meals. dormitory rooms, t-shitU, and an oppor– tuolty to win a tnlpby. MCUO sbollld be brriitU
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