Warriors ;\in As \Varriorettes Fall
Th~ East Cv-tral ~ Warriors and Warnor(1 (". .... er~ ~ Thursday, Novem~ 15 •tt 110 - and Lady Trojan3 of \ hsm ':>p Ddu Junior Colleae. In the first game or the ru&t-1, "< Warriorettes fought bard m be~ of claiming a close pmc. l1K 1 ~ tnr:u stay~ In close point ranJr or n dl ocl;r throughout the game with Delta le;u!ir.& 31 halftime 4$..44. The W:uriortltcs "ere defeated 88·86. Joe Eichelberger of
o~er the Trojans. ECJC maintained the lad 'th a halfrtme score of 35·22 and ~~ocnt on to defeat Della 71-S6. Mtke Mills of Hckoa. AR ltd the Warriors with 14 point~, and Dexter Myricks of Carthage wuh 12 points. High scorers for the Trojans ~~oere Kirk Price with 24 points and Earnest Coleman with 13 points. The \\'arriors now stand 3.0 and the Warriorcues are 0.3.
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