
ECJC men, women stym.ied b~;~-il~ The East Central Jumor College Warriors traveled to East Mississtppi Junior College on No' HI and 20 for the annual Junior College Tip Of£ Tournament. On Monday. the War· r inrs took on South\\ est .Junior College and were defeated 62-GIJ Leading EC– JC was Mike Mills of Helena. AR with 19 pomts, followed bl Kenny Morgan of Morton with LO points and Ronnie Holmes J unior College 86-78. Miller led ECJC wilh z.; points followed by Eichelberger with 20 points and Chambers with 14 points . H igh scorers for Holmes ·were Oebhte Douglas with 36 points. and Tyler Davis and Robin_ Owens with 12 points each.

Bender of Lou1svme with 9 poants. 'ruesday mghl c;aw the Warriors gain another vtctorr over The East Mtssissippi Junior rolJt'ge Lions. With a halftime lead of ~6-33, the Warriors ~ent on to win lhe game 6~-511 Mills and Oexter Myricks of Carthage led lhE" Warnors w1th 10 pomt.s each. followed by Orew Garvin of Wurtland. l saw tourna– ment action as they traveled to Holmes .Junior College l}n Nov 19 and 20 On Monday F.CJC ""as defeated by EMJC R0·78. Leading lhe \\'arrior«>ttes was ,Joy Eichelberger of Louisville. followed bv Kal'<'n Miller or Louisville with la points and Beverly Chambers of Lt:-na with J I pomts High scorers for F.~t.l(' were Amy Chandler w1tb :10 pomts. Trna McCJoud with 17 pomts. and Loretta Brown with 14 poLDis The War·rlnrettes went on to claim their first Vlclory of the season on Tuesday night as they , defeated

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