-The Newton Record , May 29, 1985
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During recent awards ceremonies of the Easr :entral Junior College Players, several area tudents were recognized for their performances in he Dinner Theatre and the musical. 'Oklahoma. " Receiving individual awards were: Sitting, I to r) Amy Cox, daughter of Mr. and v1rs. William Cox of Lake--Most Congenial; Ada Aoreau , daughter of Mr. and Mr-;. Henry Moreau •f Fort Devens, MA--Best Female Cho rus Mem– •er; Annette H urley, daughter of Mr. and l\lrs. talph Hurley of Union--Female Small Part and lest Line in the musical ; Ginger Robertson, laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Robertson of .ouisville--Best Crew Member; (standing. I ro r) 'o by Pace, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pace of
Forest--Best Chorus Member; Stan Davis , son of Mr . and Mrs. James Davis of Morton--Best Line in Lhe Dinner Theatre; Victor Coker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Coker of Newton--Male Small Part; Alben Roland , son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Roland of Morton--Best Character Role; Darre.ll Mangrum , son of Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Mangrum of Decatur--Best Walk On in the musical; Phillip Pinter, son of Ms Sarah Pinter o f Decatur--Best Orchestra Member; and Chris Gilmer, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gilmer of Forest--Best Walk On in the Dinner Theatre. Not pictured is Mike Bogan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Bogan of Newton--Best Song (Photo By ECJC)
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