- - APPEAL. U~ION , MISSI_S_S-IP-P~i. WEDNESDAY, M·~ I ~~. '1985
East Central Junior College... Area students named to academic lists for grade point average
I rank R1' es. Deanof Admis' ionc, and Records nt E t Central Jumor College. ha~ r~leascd at the cl se of the pnng semester. the names of 39 students \\ho made the President' ll t by mamtain· inga4 Oor .. A" \Crngeand 5 ~tudent~ who made the Dean' List b) mamtain· ing a 3 5 to 3 9 rade pont a'erage. Students from ~ count~ \\ho made &he Pre de t Ll•t arc DECATUR · ( d .,) Brenda an· difer, (\ o atton I) 1ont) Lamar Cooper. Pamela Ro c John~on: :-.:EV. TON ( eadem ) Fredenc' Hamilton. ~laraa 1a n, (\ oamonal) George Diad cl • Betbao) Ga1l Harals n, Frerda Moore, U~to:-. • (Atadcmt ) Charles G n MorrO\\, Jr•• (fc..'<:hntcal) Mar ha Bunt)n Hardm, Jeif Morgan Ogletree, 1\enny Lee Pe1rtt, :\largaret nn Ru h. (\ ocauonal) Sharon C \\ ddeU, HI OR 'a • (\ oca– tional) \\ nda Bra em, (ftthn I) Tod IJY.a)ne Ham on, CO~'EHATI · (Acm.lcrmd Tllercsn Dawn Tum-. Ne"ton counuans v.ho madt- the Dean' lr t tndude DECATUR - (Acru.lcmt ) \\ anda J EH • JamC'$ Dar– rell ~1angrum, Ada E Moreau. nnette
Smith Pills bur), Sandra Lynn Saxon, CTechnlcall Pe,gg) Sue Matthews; NEWT0:-.1 · tA.:adellllc) .\rthur Horace !\1c~tullan: L!'ilO:>. - (Academic) Thomas Wile) Bishop, Gene Brumett, Jr.. Riel) Dale Goss, \It eli' a A. Gray, Annette Hurle). Ralph Hurle)', Velda Lois \1c"a.r. James T. Po"'eU, Ales1a Deann R1gdon. Ikbble Carol Russell, Rory E. Trapp. (Techmcal) Teresa D. Hoyt, Jame) Theodore Thomas; HICKORY- (Technical) Harald Glenn Hich. Jr., (Vocational) \1elissa K. H..Jn.an; LAWRE;:.o;CE • (\ ocational) Roher. Terrell Baggett. :\C'$hoba Count) ,tudent '4ho made the Prestdcnt's List were: PHILADELPHIA (Academic) James S. Hard). -\r~oo Lee Thaggard, (Voca– uonal) Junmie D. Edwards. ~eshot-a counuaos v.ho made the Dean'~ Ll\1 include: PHILADELPHJA - (A.cademt.:) Ellen Suz.anne Alford, M.arguerite Denni~. Sarah Goforth Har– d), Laune 0 Ri her, (Technical) M. Etaiae Bate-., Terr) Lamar Cumberland, Chrntine Ann 'a ork, (Vocauonal) Robin R. l(ilJen, \\ tllram \\ . Nye
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