Opening/ Closing VICA Team
Jones of Philadelphia; (back row, I to r) Tim Oswald, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oswald of \llantee; Glynn Clark. on of ~lr. and Mrs. Richard Clark of Philadelphia; Ms Bethany Haralson of Newton; and Cheryl \\ alters, aau2hter of \1r and Mr.,. Joe \\''liters of Toom– suba. (P hoto By ECJC)
'Vlcmbers of the East Cenrral Junior Collete Opening and Closing Team \\ ho placed third in compcriuon at the ~lissis~ippi VICA Skill Ol}m– pics held in Meridian were (front. I tQ r) Dione Boyclte, daughter or \h Sandra Bo)ette of Chunky: 1 i.;a Hillman. d.... hter of I Mclis<;a H1llman of Hickor>; ~Irs~ Rena} Grad) ol Decatur; L)nda Jone<>, i:faughter of~~~ Chri-;tine
Ma{15, 19'85 , The New\fi" Re~ord
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