

ECJC Graduation Exercises Set May 10 East Central J - • Ccll~ .. e graduat!oo e:re:-ct..~ f ~ !~

Phl1adelpbia. Ellen Suzanne Alf rd. Quisne Baile;-, Kenneth Bl ::nt., Bennett Edwards, Laura Den!Ee Fulton, Sarah Hardy, Robert tltcbael Lewis, Robert Ltque . William Neal Reese, Laurie Risher, 't\ dr.da Sistrunk. Anson Thaggard, Rory Trapp, Ra~mond Willis and Christi.tte York. Car..bage: Cynthia Adams, Mike Callahan. Alton Evans, Lisa Gard– ner, A:nanda Gilmer, Eliza Harkins, Penny Miller, Teresa Perry, James Roland and Deborah Sanders. Forest: Jolmny Bell, Tommy Bell, James Bufkin. Sherry Coleman, Chris Gilmer, Ttna Guthrie, Vicki Haralson, Dan Lasseter. Cindy Porter, Keith Warren and Sharon Michelle Winstead. ~oxapater: Joe Barrett, Edwin CaJe. Charles Greenwood, Steven Lee Weeks. Louisville; Kenneth Cline, Lisa Dooley. Joy Eichelberger, Melissa Holder. Ella ~Jae Love, Ginger Roberson, Matthew Turner, Jotmny Walker and Cheryl Wailace. Lake: Wanda Cooksey, Amy Cox, James Hollmgsworth, Rhonda Holl· ingsworth and Tammy Lee. Morton: Annette Dolan, Sharon Keeton, Miki Chapman Miller. Mollie Shivers and Kenneth Thompson. \\'a.lriut Gro\·e: Jobnn} Gill and

Kimberly Jones. DeKa.lb: Teresa Hull Kosciusko: Kim Mangrum Van Devender · Conehatta : Charles Mac Ed"'•ards, Darlene Isaac Uttle Rock : Marsha Howmgton and Amy Louise Williams. Sebastopol: Gary Hare and Peggy Harrell. Collinsville: Patricia Wilson. Wurtland, Ky: Andrew Garvin. Ashland, Ky. : Ricky Griffith. F ort Devans, Ma.: Ada Moreau. Those students receiving cer- tificates include: Mary Elaine Bates, Sharon Bolton, Ellen Jenkins, Linda Jordan, Teresa Lang, Donlta Watkins, Michelle AtF drews, Lesia Ann Boler, Caiol Bufkin, Lynn Myers, Kim Stone, Teresa Turner, Charlie Gray, Joe Jones, Don Catchings, Alan Hatch, Jame~ Glenn Logan, Garey McDaniel, David M)Ttcks, Timoth~ Oswald. James Riley, Leroy Edward Scbill– ing. Daniel Simoneau, William Lewis Wilson, Bethany Haralson, Melissa Hillman, Fre1da Moore, Chcrj Walters, James Chaney, Henry Car– michael, Robert Clark, LarQ Crimm, William Nye, Tim Thomp– son, C. D. Amo:;, Edgar Albert Ber– ryman, Charlie Ray Johnson, Lee Mitchell, Da\.1d Wash, Mark :\1cGee and Douglas Sikes.

school year will be be!rl fri"'-2) . May 10 at 8 p m. on ~ ECJC Wa:nor field. Approxunately 150 st!!de.'l~ are ex– pected to r~Ne assooate degrees or certificates in the cerm1011y. The \'&led ctona.n and sal'Jtatnnan will be recogr.l.Zed aad will presint remarks. In case of rain, the 56th graduation exerciSes aill be held in Hu.ff auditonum. Candidates receiving assoctate degrees are· Umon. St.a.ron D. Breedlon~. Gene Brummett. Jackie Edwards, Anna E . Engl.tsh, Ricky Godd, Melissa Gray, Sandr J. Gruftn. Marsha Buntyn Har din , Sheila Hardy, Teresa Darelen.e Hoyt. Ralph Hurle~ Melissa ~filling, Jeff Ogletree, Ken– ny Pterce, Ales:ta Rigdon and Debbie Russell. Newton: ~1tc.bael BrOl\"1'1. Susan Coleman; J effery Hand, Darlene Mc– Clendon. Judson AJ1en Rogers, Mary Taylor. Douglas Williams and Allison Wilson. Decatur: Kenny Dickerson, Wanda Ezelle, Becky GaUaspy. Snn Hams, JoAnn Anthony Johnston. Cindl Russell, Angela Smith, Susan Wall and Joe Edward Williams.

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