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8A- The Ne"ton Record . Ma' 1 1985 . '

ECJC Centralettes

Mrs. Dan McMullan of Houston, TX, (back, I to r) Joycelyn Gunter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maury Gunter of Newton; Amy Hedrick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hedrick of Newton; Zeporah Hodges, daughter of Ms Annie Hodges of Union; Jennifer Caron, daughter of Mr. and l\1rs. Joseph Caron of Forest; and Alice Thames, daughter of Ms Mary Thames of Union.

The 1984-85 Cemralenes of East Central Jumor College are· (front, I tor) Teresa Pern.. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elton Perry of Canhage: Lisa Kelly, daughter of Mr. and ~1r . Da' id Kelly ot Lawrence: Diane Walker, daughter of ~1~. G\\en– dolyn Walker of Decatur: Cynthia Adams, daughter of Mr . and Mrs. Jimmie Adams of Car– thags_. Melanie McMullan. daughter of \.1r and

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