ECJC to present musical
Present becom a Jun or Co tloo 'i\111 con
'\ndev. .tnu Da\tS of Morton as and Darrell .\lan~rum from Decatur a~ Cord. The choru... and dancers will be posed of 35 students. Those from 1 Count., \\ho will partictpate with th choru and dancer:; arc. Stan Oa\ ts from ;\lorton, and Tobtas Pace from Fore: t Tht prorluctlon nf Oklahoma pro– mt.,. an evenmg '*4,ellghlful enter· tmnment tllal can ' fSc cnjnyed b~ theater goers of nll a ges Ttckets for the how are four dollars and wlll go n WI" Fehruarv 18. Rrservations n a\ be mudc by ca lhn~ 635·2126. T ckets \\til also be on sale in the Stu– dent Ser\tces llmldmg on the East Central campus each afternoon begin– nmg February IB'--~--~
East C
tral Jumor Co f'l'ie Pla"ers pr li n of OklaiK.!ma. The Rn en; nd Hammers an m cal \\ h h ll run from Februan. !7th through M rch ~nd v.dl be perform~d m the eud tonum e F-loe Arts Bui ~ hh the curta yp each 1•30 Oll.laboma v.as first presented on Broadv.a\ in 194~ and ·mce Lha time ha pro\ tm to be one of lhe most popular muscals e'er v.nttc Tle h~ lS se m the Oklahoma Tern tory at the turn of the ctntur~ It ehrorucles the comeO~ romance song nd dances of the peop v.l o v.ere tm h;ed m gen ng Ok h ma admtUed to tatehood \\1ten Bruce Pet~r:s came t E t Cent1"3l Jun r C lit: e he directed Oklahoma a.. the ftr·• Br dv.a} mus1cal presented on the cam For Peterson, tht will be an encore pres n auon and will round out fif– teen ) rs of campus mustcal• per– 1 I I.J~ performed b) Denbe Dolr..on rrom :\ev.ton as Aunt Eller Xelda Ger– mam J(rom Un"on a Laure•, Brooks ~lcE.Ihenne} from Decatur a~ Curl ) Ror} 1 rapp fr m Uruon as \\ill. Kim J,lfl from Sebastopol as do Anni , Mtke 84)aan from ~ewton as Ali \1~ldrn Albtn Rolapd from ~or on a formed under h direc~ton MaJ r rol m Ulilahoma
Annette Hurle\ from Cnilln a" ~~-.____.,-Th ~~ VJctor Coker from NeY.torJ h Wednesday, February 13, 1985
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