Mi s Congeniality At ECJC Patncia 1\tiUin~ (left), a.1 ·i· ·~r of Mr. and Mrs . Rq~ce Milling of Decatur, and Ahce Thames. daughte~ ot Mary Thame., 1f Union were selected 10 hare the title of Miss Congenialit) b> th~ con– testant" in the ~~~'~ Ea t Ce~tral Junior College S<..holarship Pageant. This i. a co">eted honor b@use it ,gl\en b} fello\\ con– testants in recognmon of the :fperation and caring anlludes displayed dunng the lX>mpe iuon . Pauicia ~1illing i" a freshman majoring in Home Etonom c and Alice Thames is a freshman majoring m Secondar~ Edut-ation .
~5}-JOSA D
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