Wl ..lld.y, January 11. 1114 THI TIMES olmes drops ECJC In lid lifter , 71-65
Troy Bljou was lh high scorer for the Gulf Goa 1 Bulldog" ~lt h 19 point On Jan. 12 the EC.JC Warriors t ravell.'d to Ellis ville only tu mN•I defeat by the Jom ... Junior Coil ge Bobcat 52-41. Griffit h again led the Warriors wtrh l:.l points. followed by Drew Garvln of Wurtland , KY and Will John on of Uttle Roek, AK ~1th elglu point . High <.'Orcr for the Bobcal \Ut Cah1n \\'a bingtfm with 12 polols .
The East CPntral Junior College Warriors hosted Holmes Junior College on .Jan. 7 In their first game arter a two week break. Th e Holmes Aulldogs defeated the Wa rriors n-65. Leadine F. a s t Ce ntral were .Johnny CUI of Walnut Grove and lUcky Grtmth of Ashland, KY wtth 14 points. followed by Steve Le>wls of Walnut Grove with 11 points and Of'xter Myrtcks of C rthaee wllb nine points. Hlp scorer for Holmes waa Charles Leachman wltb 22 sx•lnts. On Jan. 10 the Wamors na:aln saw actton at home with Gulf Coast J unior Collt>ee as they wt're defeated 65·51. Grltntb Led ECJC wtth 13 points, followed by Myrlcks with 11 points ol nd Barry Clark of linton with eleht points.
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