ECJC boys, girls lose three in row
lhe wt Cen::-a.. ·~mar College Warrior .1>,d War· norettes return~ " .. cu"n after a t~o -...ed; haitdlly br-eai: only to be defeated thr~ con– secuti\t latnt' . The Wamorettes met a 87-54 defeat b) H~ JulUQI' College on the ECJC campus on January -;, H h ~m fo: the \\ arncrcn.cs v.et Jo. Eichtt~rzer or louisville v.1th :w points, folio (:! b} Da11ll \\'tlham:son of Philade p and lk\trl} Chllillbers of Le::a ~tth 12 J.lOUl1S Hi .scorer for Holmes w"&S Oradtll E~v.ards with 32 po!nu. On Januar. 10 the \\ ar– riorettes basted Gulf Coa.s: Junior Collc&e and "ere :Jefeatcd -9-49. Eictle!bcger led Easl Ccnu lwnh ~ pomt~. followed b) \\'illiamson and Chambers v.ith 10 points. High \Corer for Gulf Coast wa.s Darlene Wan v.ith 15 J)Olnt . Coach Lucille Wood's War· rioretlc\ tra-.eled ro Ellh'\llle on Januar) I:! to tak~ on the Jones Junior Colle~c Lady Bobcat~. They ~~re nga~n defeated 82-62. Eichelberger and Carol Smith ot :\Ionon led ECJC with 16 pomu, folloYo– ed b) Ca.rol)'ll \\ ashington of Reform, Alabama 'v.ith 11 pomts and \\'iltiarmon v.ith 10 pomt\ Hi11h corer for !one - - -----
~115 :-;anette Peter~ "i1h .,~ po nts The Holme:- Bulldoa' also dereated the l:.C Warriors ~ J -65 on Januarv "I h. l ~adlns East Central were Johnny GiU of Walnut Grove and Ricky Gnffll.h ofA$hland. Kentucky v.1th I~ point~. follov.cd b)' Stelie L~is of Walnut Gro11e 1th ll potnts and OcJtter M)ne of C~nha e with 9 pofria. Hish ~orer for Holmes V."'i.! Char~ lnhmln v.nh 22 pOUltS OnJanuary IOthcWarrior' -amsav. act1on at home v.t\h Gulf Cout Junlor CoUcae u lht} v.ere defeated 6S-SI . Gnf– flth kef ECJC Yo lth 13 pointS, fot~cd b) \t}ricl\ .. nh I I point and Barr) Clar~ or Union v. tth 8 potnu. Troy Bi· jou "-as the high scorer for the Gulf Coast Bulldog~ v.ith 19 potnts. • On January 12 the ECJC Wamor., tralielcd to f!llisvtlle only to meet defeat by the Jone~ Jumor Colleae Bobcnts 52-41 Orirnth again led the Warriors with 12 points, followed by Drew Garvin of Wurtland, Kentuck) and Will Johnson of Little Rock, Ark.ansa& v.ith 8 poU\u. Ht&h scorer for the Bobcats v.as Calvin Wa.shinatoo -nh 12 poinh
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