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ECJC Sweeps Southwest SU~lMIT- Vis1ting East Centra l Junior College took a pair of South Divill)on games from Southwest here Thursday night , in– cluOing an overtime win in the men's game . .~:;ast Central's men won 87·83 in overtime, while the Lady War- riors took a 54-45 victor y. · .Joe Kennamer hit a field goal late In re~ulation time to send the game into overtime. The Warrior~ hit. f1ve free throws in over– lime to win. Mike Shirley paced ECJC. 3-9 overalt and 1-4 in the South Divi– sion. with 24 points. followed by Kennamer with 16 a nd Kenneth Gilliland witll 12. .Mike Candilier led Southwest with 32 points. The Lady Warriors, 8-3 overall and 5-0 in the South Division, pulled out from a 27-27 halftime score on the strength of 17 points from St ephanie Townsend. 13 points from Pam Coleman a nd 10 points from J o Ann Earnest. Quincller O"·ens led Southwest with 11. Ea.... 1 Central hosts Holmes Saturday night with \\.Omen's action gettmg under way at 6:30, followed by the men's game
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