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1 2E#iccA7rN5ut!t£s HONOR LIST "~//'1/7 · Twenty-three Scott co un t y students have been named to the honor roll at East Central Junior College for the first semester of the 1969-70 regular session, accordmgto announce– ment by Frank Rives, registrar. Spec i al distinction honors, 4.00 grade average, were earned by sophomores Nona Sue Butler, Charles Wayne Lasher, and Dottie Horn. St ud e nt s maintaining 3.50 grade averages foradistinction rating were freshmen Marcia Faye Beard, Debbie Faye Har– vey, Cris Jack Morgan, Billie D. W 1· Local Students Make Honor Roll I At E. C. J. C. Neshoba County Stu– dents making the honor roll at East Central Jun– ior College for the first · grading period are Danny Breland, Lynda Craw– ford , Richard Eakes , Wayne Herrington, Char– les Phillips , Melinda13ul– lard, Sherrye Chaney, Paula Lee, Guy Nowell , Pamela Pettit, Rupert Strum, Sue Tingle , Jean Watkins, dean's list; Ty– rone Anthony, Douglas Dean, Annette Goss, John Smith, Duane Stokes, Ha– rold Walton, Perry Wil– lis, Kathy Cannon, Billy Cook, Linda Fulton, Jo Jo Latimer , Jerry Har– ris , Ella Havard, John– ny Holley, Alice Kennedy , James Luke, Linda Mar– shall, -Kay McNair , Don– na Skinner , KinseySmith, 'honorable mention. Dean's list requires a 3.5 average while honor– able mention requires a 3.0 average . 1 Local ECJC Students Make Honor Roll SCOTT STUDENTS MAKE HONOR ROLL AT EAST CENTRAL The Honor Roll for the first semester at East Central Junior College has been released by Registrar Frank Rives. Making special distinction (4.0) is Scott County student Bobby McDaniel. Students making distinction (3.5) include Freddie Bagley, Mary Jane Carpente..r,..S§lndra Measels, Janice Gatewood, Benjamin Patrick, Kenneth Pettigrew and Billie Watson. Scott students on the honor roll include Joe Lee Anthony, Joyce Kay Dennis, Harold Hollingsworth, Stephen Kaskie, Jones Mahaffey, Martha Ann Pace, Glenda Watson, Brenda Wolf, Elizabeth Edwards, Bobby Joe Franklin, Gywn Hadin, Debbie Harvey, William R. McMullan, Joanne Miles, Ronnie Noblin, Robert Rogers, Susan Shoemaker, Harold Gomillion. .-' ~ I ? -- 7 ( ,.,,,.,- --~' ::> .C . I 1'1 Neshoba County stu– dents attaining the ho– nor roll at .East Central Junior College for the first !iiemester are Paul– a Lee and Iva Jean Wat– kins, President' s List, Donna Skinner, Ester Bullard, Ella Havard, Linda Marshall, Rupert Strum, Ora Sue Tingle, Marshall Winstead, Ken– neth Watkins , Lynda Crawford, Richard Ea– kes and Janet Thrash, dean's list; Cathy Cannon, Billy Charles Cook, Lin– da Fulton, Jo Jo Harbour Latimer, Jerry Harris , Martha Jane Harrison, Johnny Holley, Alice Ken– nedy, James Luke, Kay McNair, Guy Nowell, Kin– sey Smith, Danny Bre– land, Judy Ann Clark, Keith Fulton, Mary Goss, Steve Moorehead, Hulet Stokes, Harold Dennis Walton, Rex Webb and Perry Willis, honorable mention. (
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