
Betzy Sockey, Mrs. Blac1' Tooth; Windell Carter, Con- · ductor; Ricky Rector, Pawnee _' Bill; . Voodean Dawson, Chief Sitting Bull; Windell Carter, - Major Domo; Dick Graham; Mr. Schuler Adams; Deborah Shoemaker, Mrs. Schuler Ad- · ams; Verner Gatewood, Dr. Ferguson; Diane Logan, Mrs. Ferguson; David Chappell• Mr. Ernest Henderson; Beth Heard, Mrs. Ernest Hender,; _ son; andMelindaNanney,Mrs~ · Sylvia Porter. Dancers are Michael Bar– ham, Renee Barrett, David Chappell, Carol Ann Cra,pps~ Randy Davis, Randy Eason. Jack French, Beth Fulcher, Junior Gammill, Mary Gean Hudson, Lindsey Keene, Donna Kempt, Kathy Lindsey, · Melinda Nanney, AngelaNow– ell, Ray Perry, Jackie Smith, Cheryl Thornton, Dennis Wal– ton and Doug Young. Singers are Gayla Barber, Michael Burch, Sherry Cara– way, Verner Gatewood, Rita Gibboo, Billy Gilmer, Teddy Hall, Lynette Herring, Suz– anne LeCren, Diane Logan, Teresa Mills, Pam Parker, Percy Pearson, Valerie Russ– ell, Deborah Shoemaker, Susan Tingle, JeannieThomp– son, Jan Williams, Rebecca Ward, Fay Wicker and Judy Winstead.

50+ students 1n E.C.J .C's 1 'Ann ie' prod. Over 50 students are involved in the East Central Junior College production of "Annie Get Your Gun'' to bepresented March 20-23 in the Fine Arts Center Auditorium. Tickets are now on sale in the Fine Arts Center ~f­ ice. They may be purchased from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Tickets are $2 for adults and $1.50 for children. There are a limited number of tickets available and persons planning to attend ' the productions are urged to reserve seats early. Appearing in the famed Irvin Berlin musical are Lyn– ette Herring, little girl; Clark Measels, Charlie Davenport; Nenette Leatherwood, Dolly Tate; Mike Caraway, Mac; Dewayne Dent, Foster Wil– son; Danny Dansby, Frank Butler; Mary Sanders, Annie; Lewanda Everette, Little Jackie; Lynn Mills, Nellie; Suzanne LeCren, Jessie; Jar– ie Ezelle, Minnie; Gordon •· Smith, Col, William F. Cody; Betty York,Mrs.LittleHorse;

- PAGEANT CONTFSTANTS--Among the twenty– three young ladies vying for the title of Most Beautiful at East Central Junior College are Renee Barrett and Susan Tingle, Philadelphia. The sixth annual pageant is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Jan. 13, 1972, in Huff Memorial audj– torium.

'Sc otl Ce ·T:VY\c;:s WEDNESDAY. MAY 13, 1970 tor of Theology degree from Southern Baptist Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. In 1968 the Universi1Y of Richmond con– ferred on him the honorary Doc– tor of Laws degree. In addition to being activ~in state and national professioQal organizations Dr. Noonkester is active in civic affairs.

Noonkester Speaker .· For ECJC Grads


Commencement will be held at East Central Junior College on Friday, May 22, at 8 P. M. in Huff Memorial Auditorium. Associate of Arts degrees will be presented to 152 students and certificates to 23 students. Dr• . J, Ralph Noonkester, president ofWilliam Carey Col– lege since 1956 will deliver the address, Dr. Noonkester holds a Doc-

SHERRI WHINNERY '69's Miss Hospitality

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