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Band, Choir Plan Joint Concert At ECJC On 1May 3 DECATUR - The East Cen– tral Junior College Choir and Band will present a joint con– ,_cert at 7:30 p.m. May 3 in the :Fine Arts Center on the college I ' campus here. The choir, under the direc– tion of Mrs. Marian Thornton, will be under the guest con– duction of R. G. Fick, chairman of the Department of Music. Gilbert Sommers is conductor of the ECJC Band. The choral numbers will con– sist of "Kyrie" by Lotti; choral selections from "The Messiah" by Handel, and "The Lord is The band programs will be in two parts, the first by the con– cert band and the second part by the stage band. \ The concert band will play "Emblem of Unity," Richards ; l "Yellowstones Suite," Klein; ."Born Free," Miller; "Folk I L e gen d," Hunsberger, and "Knights Bridge March." J, I The state band will play I "Wives and Lovers," and "Al– fie." 1 0ur Fortress," Brahms.
Choir, ·Band Will Present 1 Joint Concert The East Central Junior College Choir and Band will present a joint concert at 7: 30 p.m. May 3 in the Fine Arts ~ Center Auditorium. .The choir under the direction of ·Mrs. Marian Thornton will be under the guest conduction · of R. G. Fick, chairman of the Department of Music. Gilbert Sonuners is conductor of the ECJC Band. 'Pie choral numbers will consist of the following works: , Kytje, Lotti; choral selections from The Messiah; Handel; and The Lord is Our Fortress, Br~. The band program will be in two parts, the first by the concert band and the second part by the stage band. The concert band will play Emblem of Unity, Richards; Yellowstone Suite, Klein; Born Free, Miller; Folk Legend, Hunsberger; and Knights Bridge March. The stage band will play •· Wives and Lovers and Alfie. ----Q-- _ The youth team from ECJC did a fine job with the morning worship service at the Baptist Church Sunday. They included John Vance, Debbie Crowell Melody Dowling, Joan Green' Mike Edwards, Glenda McMil: lin ·and Mrs. Gladys Bryant. Sherri Whinnery also from E. C. J. C., and one of our home girls, helped with the singing. :;rJie group was invited for a ...... •. ·. visit on Sunday afternoon with . Mr. ~nd Mrs. Dick Whinnery, Sherri and Marion after the noon day meal with the youth l of our community at the educa– tional building of the church. We want to invite these fine young people back to our com– munity. (;,, . ~ ' " , " , ;i t:i.&/ l tl
,~ .• • ,J,, , _ 1 ·-~ 1~...a.-- ECJC Dramlf Presented On March 16, 1970, the East Central Jtmior College Theatre Arts class had as their guests the Mississippi state Black~ friars Dr a ma Society. Ille Blackfriars delighted a large audience with Neil Simon's pro– duction of "Barefoot in the Park". Dr. D. J. C1D1etto, a well-lmown professor of dra– matics, directed the. three act play. The cast was (in order of appearance) as follows: Cor– rie Bratter, 8'ndy Smith; Tele– phone man, Butch Kelly; De– livery man, Keith Moreton; Paul Bratter, John E. Wells; Mother (Mrs. Banks), Sandra Clark· Victor Velasco, David Stock: still. Three former East Central students were involved with the play. They were Sandy Smith daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N: F. Smith from Decatur, Sandra Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clark from Wal• nut Grove, and Diane Herring daughter of Mr. and Mrs. How~ ard Herring from Morton.
THAT'S RIGHT - Mark Hatcher, NanihWaiyasopho– more, portrays Luther Billius in the East Central Junior Col,. lege production of Rogers and Hammerstein's "South Paci– fic." The production which premiered April 5, will be presented for the last time in the Fine Arts Center at 7:30 P. M. Thursday (tonight). Tickets are available from the chairman of the Department of Fine Arts. The musical pro– vides a gala evening offun and entertainment for old and young alike.
:~Ec1c~~~tS1~ . in state A11-S tar band Two members of the East Central Junior College band have been chosen to play in the Mississippi Junior College All-star band. Lynn Mills ri. Union and Bill Chatham of Louisville were selected by audition held atHolmesJunior College on Novemher....20. · . They will go to Jackson in the spring with this band to
ECJC Moves Up Schedule For Concert
Beverly Hollings worth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Lyle Tate, has been chosenasa feature twirler for the East Central Junior. College Marching Band. Miss Hollingsworth served as a majorette with the Forest All-Superior Band. She parti– cipated in the Latin Club, Fp– ture Business Leaders 'Of America and Future Home– makers of America clubs. She also served as assistant editor of the Hi-Lites, was named as a cheerl~der, and was a member of the basket– ball team.
The following change has been made in the schedule for the East Central Junior College Fine Arts Festival. The choir concert which was originally scheduled for Tues– day, May 5, will be given in conjunction with the band con– cert on Monday, May 4, at 7:30 p,m, Featured on the band pro– gram will be severalnewworks written bys. G. Seymore, band director at the college, In addition to the band and choir, Miss Jacquelyn Edwards and Miss Paula Simmons will present a piano duo, "A Moun– tain Path", written especially for this occasion by Mr. Sey- I_!lore, , "
perform for the Mississippi Education Associatioo and Mississippi Teachers Asso– ciation at the .Jackson Ciey Auditorium.
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