• i PE Buildiug Opened At ECJC '
includes a choral room, a band hall, an auditorium, practice rooms. offices and the art department.
agricultural instruction. Dedicated in April of last year is the Fine A r ts Performing Center which
improvement to our campus ilnd something we can be proud of in the future." This building is but one of the many recent additions to the campus. Other recent additions i n c I u d c the V o c a t i o n a l - T echnology Building which houses offices for faculty and shops for various vocational programs as well as the business and secretarial programs. The Agricultural Technology Building was completed in 1969 and is equipped with all the latest innovations in
DECATUR - East Central Junio;- College took another step forward during 1970 with the formal dedication and official opening of a newly BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY The BID Division is continuing to provide liaison between Mississippi manufacturers and suppliers and the Ingalls shipbuilding facility on the Gulf Coast. Recently the Division assisted Ingalls in i d e n t i f y i n g Mississippi firms capable of providing a major service installation .
c o n s t r u c t e d P h ysical Education Bui.lding. Dedicated during Homecoming activities Nov. 7, the new building w a s constructed at a cost of $392,000. The ' building houses classrooms for hygiene and first-aid, playing areas for badminton, v o 11 e y b a 11 , basketball, dressing rooms for intercollegiate sports, storage area, and offices for faculty. ECJC President Dr. Charles V. Wright termed th i s addition, "a much needed
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ECJC's New Physical Education Building Sits Nea r Stadium
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