Annual Programs East Central Junior College Graduation May 23, 28 Commencement activities at East Central Junior Col– lege, Decatur. are scheduled for Sunday, May 23, and Friday, May 28. Both will be at 8 p.m. and in Huff Me– morial Auditorium on the campus, announces Dr. Charles V. Wright, president. There are 145 candidates for associ-' ate, 40 for intensive business and 3 for vocational degrees. The ·Rev. Joe T. Odle, editor of The Baptist Record, Jackson, will deliver the Baccalaureate sermon on Sunday ·night. The Rev. Fred Fowler, Baptist minister of Decatur, will make the invocation and \ -- say . ben edi~tion. T h e EC well, Kenneth Brown , Benny Choir '" 111 smg The Lord Is Buggs , Homer Bu1-t<>n, David Our Fortr ess by Brahms. Mrs . Cleveland, . Alton Co1mins, Glenn Marian Thornton, organist, Denms, Hilda Edwards, J ackie for processional and ~reces- Edwards, Theron Evans, P erry • • 1 , Everett, Barbara Sue Ezelle, s10nal w1li play Beethoven s George Felton, Joe Fondr('n, Mary Joyful, Joyful We Ador e Thee Foreman, W i 11 i am Galloway, anrl Marcello's Psalm XIX. Charles Godwin, Charles Guy se, Dr. Lindsey 0. Todd, former EC .Jomes Hansford, Allen Harrison, pre>ident, retiring superintenden~ We demic dean, will_ present the crin- Gary McDill, Herman McDonald, ilidates anc~ Dr. Wn~ht and F1ank Debbie M-::Elhcnney, Jee Lee Mc– R1ves, registrar, will award de- Gee Birdie Nell McMul\nn Jan grees . and ~erti!icates.. The F.C Mc~ders, Jesse il'loore, Cris' Mor– '..:olleg1an0i Will smg Climb_ Every prn, Jimmy Nelson, Debbie Pear– Mount,nn by Rodgers anct Ha_n:- son, Johnny Posey, Elisabeth merstein. Mrs. Thornton, orgamst, Rowell Harold Scott Rodis Shea- .-_r will us~ Mendelssohn's .March of ly, D~wayne Shoei;rnker, Larry \ the Pnest as process10nal a~1d Snowden, Robert Strebeck, Ger– . Purcell's Trumpet Voluntay !er ald T<::ylor, Robert Terrell, K8r- recess10nal. mil Thames, Ronald Thorne, The Speakers Clwrleo Waggoner. Sandra Weich. Mr. Odle is listed among Who'<; These students will receive as– Who in An1erica and has becn a so•jatc degrees. pastor, a revival speaker, and has The following will receive in- t.raveled extrnsively on church lcn!:>ive business certificates: Jan- -- - - ---------- mi~sions. He has filled many of- ice Bufkin, Carla Carpenter, Terry WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 1971 ficial positions in Mississir,pi anJ Case, Julia Chaney, Johnnie Dans- Southern Baptist Conventions and by, Sandra Easom, Brenda Hol- l is the author of several books in.. lingsworth, Donna Holt, Mona eluding a handbook in seven Ian- .Jones. Wanda Lee, Deborah o· · gu::iges. Mary: Brenda Rigdon, Kitty vVa~- Dr. Todct, outstanding aclmini- ner and Diane Wansley. strator in the educational field, is Michael While will receive a YO- Iisted in Who's Who in America. He holds B. S. from Peabody, M. eational certificate. A. from C.ilumbia University iJ1 1 New York and PhD. from Pea· body. He has exerted leadership in the st:atc. region and nation, in field of junior college and public education, and has tr:.weled abroad on eclU< ational missions. In ad- dition to his cli~tini;:1ished career ;:i<; an educator he has given lead- ership to the Methodi st Church. the Rotary Club International and to civic affairs. Smee he married Bernice Day of De~atur and they llvecl on the EC campus during 19 years of ECJC presidency, he is 1 relurning home. , County Graduates Newton County studrnts eligible I for graduation are: Joyce Barber, Wanda Blackwell, Robei't Blount. Barbara Bonds, Raymond Bout- ... .t -; DR L. 0 . TODD REV. JOE T. ODLE
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