Agi11 Co1fere1ci Pla11ed At ECJC Senior citizens from nine east-central Mississippi coun– ties have been invited to par– ticipate in a District Conference on Aging Tuesday, March 2. The conference, sponsored" b¥ the East Central Mississippi Development District in co – operation with the Mississippi Council on Aging, will include Leake, Neshoba, Kemper, Scott , Newton, Lauderdale, Smith Jasper and Clarke counties '. The conference to be held at · Decatur Junior College, is in preparation for the National White House Conference on Ag– ing to be held in November. Its purpose is to afford senior citizens in the development dis– trict an opportunity to help formulate a national policy on aging . Nine major needs areas of older people--health, income, nutrition, retirement roles transportation , spiritual well ~ being, employment, education and housing- -will be discussed . A local citizen knowl edgeable in each of these fields will be on hand to lead discussion groups and answer questions. Colbert Crowe, executive di– rector of the economic develop– ment district , urged all people aged 55 and over to attend the meeting. ( '1C:ft:7iA~lcp T,~ I CONFERENCE WILL BEGIN FEB. 24 A Narcotics Conference will be held in the auditoriwn of thE ~ Fine Arts Center at Eas1 ~Central Junior College, Decatur, Feb. 24, 25, 26. ~ Sponsored by the State W Department of Education thE conference will feature out· ~standing speakers in the field ~of narcotics study. ~ Students and faculty from Uscott, Leake, Neshoba, Newton, Smith, Jasper, Clark, Lauderdale and Kemper counties have been invited to attend the three day con– ference. Lectures will begin at 8:3U a.m. and conclude at 2:30 P.M.
The first in a series of art shows to be presented by area artists will begin with the exhibit of the works of Nann Clark of Union. Miss Clark will have a number of her paintings and examples of her pottery work on exhibit at the Fine Arts Center on the campus of East Central Junior College. The exhibit will be open to the public from~ p. m. Feb. 8-12. Miss Clark is art instructor at, Unien .iligD se&OOt•. ;;. ,,.;; .'"' '
DR. RICHARD ETHRIDGE Prof At ECJC Given History Ph.D. Degree DECATUR - Richa rd C. 'Ethridge, history instructor at East Central Junior College, was conferred a Ph.D. degree in history Jan. 27 by Mississippi State University. Dr. Ethridge's dissertation in entitled "Mississippi's Role In The Dixiecratic Movement." Maintaining a 4.0 aveeage in doctoral work, Dr. Ethridge is a member of Phi Alpha .Theta, national scholastic h i s t o r Y society. He is also a member of Pi Gamma Mu, nation a 1 ! honorary scholastic . soc i a_l fraternity; and Eta Sigma Pm, n a t i o n a 1 classical languages society. A member of the East Central Junior College faculty for 10 [years, Dr. Ethridge rec~i~ed ~is B.A. degree with d1stmct10n \ from Mississip~i . C~lle%e, his M.A. from M1ss1ss1pp1 State,. l . University; completed further advanced graduate work at the !University of S out her n ' 1 Mississippi ; and his _Ph.~. from Mississippi State Umvers1ty. t Dr. Ethridge is a membe~· of jthe Mississippi ~du c a~ 1o ~ .,Association, M 1 s s is s 1 p PI Historical Society and Clark- 1Venable Baptist Church of jDecatur. He was named ECJC's "Teacher of the Year" in 1964- 65. A native of Meridian, he is married to the former Virginia Marble of Edinburg, and they have three dau hters.
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'Cactus Flower• to be held at E.C.J .C. Mississippi state University Blackfriars Drama Society will present Abe Burrows' two act comedy, CACTUS FLOWER, in Huff Memorial Auditorium, East Central Junior College, Decatur, April 22 , Curtain time for the pro– duction is 8 p.m. The pro– duction is under the direction ci. Dr, Dominic J . Cunetto of the MSU drama department. Cast in the leading character roles are David Caldwell, Mary Jo O'Leary, Sandy Smith, former ECJC student, and ~nnis Johnsey~ ';
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