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Barney; Mrs. Etoile Easom, Mrs. Katherine Burns. Mrs. Marion Crocker, Mrs. Jewel Johnson, Mrs. Dick Canoy, Mrs. Kayron Pitts, Mrs. Billy Paul Davidson, Mrs. Billy Thomas Underwood, Mrs. Sylvester Torres, Misses Patricia hurtt and Gayle Hardin, Mrs. Wendell Hardin, Mrs. B. C. Hardin and Jerry Hardin, who came from Jackson to join the group for the occasion.
APRIL 29, 1971 Winston l:ounty Jou.mar --- -· - - ----------·------
Students In · E.C.J.C. Play
Fonner Sebastopol School students now attending ECJC, who participated in the Rodgers and Hammers~in's musical production "South Pacific" in the Fine Arts Building at the · college in Decatur were Tommie Jones, Wanda Comans, Elizabeth Edwards, Gwyn Hardin and Junior Gammill. Among those from this area in attendance during ·the four· nights of production were.Mr. ·· and Mrs. M~c ~w81'.(ls, Mr. ·. and Mrs·. Dallas Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lee Comans I and children Rtlthia, Paul and
KIM JENNINGS Miss Jennings To Present ECJC Concert Kim Jennings, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Owens of Philadelphia, will be presented in a joint musical recital Mon– day, April 14, at 7:30 in the Fine Arts Auditorium on the cam}ms of East Central Junior College. Appearing on the program with Miss Jennings will be Paul Chaney, tenor, of Hickory, and Thomas Carson. who will play the French horn. Marilyn Jen– kins will accompany Miss Jennings. Miss Jennings will sing the following works: If Thou Be Near. by Bach; Do Not Go, My Love, Hageman; Alleluia, Moz– art; They Call Me Mimi, from the opera La Boheme by Puc– cini: The Black Oak Tree, Niles; Sleep Yah Toe-Chee,
L------~---; East Central
· . ... in recital . ' Louisvillian ToAppear In Joint Recital •· Miss Paula Simmons, daughter· of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Simmons of Louisville, and Miss Jackie Edwards, daugh– ter of Mr. and Mrs. Mack Edwards of Decatur, willpre– sent a joint piano and organ recital at 7:30 P. M.", May 4, in the Fine Arts Auditorium of ' East Central Junior College, Decatur. Miss Simmons was the pia– nist accompanist for the ECJC Players productions of •Oklahoma• and •south Paci– fic•. She is a member of MENC the choir and Collegians. She is president of the Wesley ,. Foundation and vice president of Phi Theta Kappa, national scholastic honorary. She was elected to the l971HallofFame at ECJC. Miss Simmons' program will include Prelude and Fu~ · in G Minor•, Bach; •sonata in A" (theme and variations), Mozart; •Rhapsody, Op. 79 No. 2•, Brahms; and •sonata, Op. 46. No. 3•, Kabalevsky. The public is cordially in– vited to attend.
Program Here April 21 Alumni and friends of East Central Junior Col– lege have been invited to a program on April 21 here to explain the col– lege's development foun – dation . .College president Dr . Charles Wright andmem– .~.rs of his staff will .pre– sent the prog:r:am. . . . • : The meeting will be at the Benwalt Hotel at 7 p.m. A buffet supper will ~e provided. Those who will have already eaten are al – so invited to the program. Further information may be obtained from John Risher.
Paula Simmons To o Be Featured At !:::.. Festival Concert ~ Miss Paula Simmons, daugh– - ter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sim– ·:::q-- mons of Louisville, will be fea- tured at ECJC in a piano duo, written especially for her and Miss Jacquelyn Edwards of Decatur. \! Paula, an outstanding music ~major at East Central Junior 6 College in Decatur, graduated 1--:J from Louisville HighSchoollast . year, and was a pupil of Mrs. .[) . U J. R. McLelland. The duo will be performed at 5 the May 4 concert during the -~ college's fine arts festival. , ~ Also appearing in this con– :=;? cert will be the East Central ;;:::.... Junior College choir and the col– lege band. The program will be– gin at 7:30 P. M.
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