
ECJC Singers Schedule Winter Music Programs DEC91UR - The East Cen- programs arct scheduled for lral Junior College Singers un- Sunday, Dec 5. 7 ,2 m at der the joint direction of Mrs. the Decdtlr Buptist Church, Manon Thornloll and R. G. Tuesday, Dec 7 dt assembly 111 Fick have scheduled programs I the college auditor~um:dnd on 1 of popular and sdcred nluslc to Ii'ednesday, Dec. 5. they will be presented during the months record on WTOK-TV for the of Novem'uer and early Decem- program to be aired during the ber. 1 Chr~sDmasholidays. The Collegldns, under the di-1 Airs Alyne S~rnmons of the rectioll of Mrs. l'hornlon. wllll E,bt Centrzl Junior College En- present a plogran-~ of light mu- g!lsh D~partmcnl hds wr~tlen SIC for .;nnle of the h ~ g h schools 1 some original verse that she scrced by the East Central ~viilread during the presenla- Smiior Collegt. 4. . ..C 4h, Sd7--d ,..=,.m.=..-

Music Programs Are ~chedi led By E. C. Choirs The East Central Junior College Singers under the join! direction of Mrs. Marion Thornton and R. G. Fick have I scheduledprograms of popular and sacred music to be presented during the months of November and early December. The Collegians under the direction of Mrs. Thornton will present a program of light music for some of the high schools served by the East Central Junior College. Nov. 10 the Collegians visited Decatur, Hickory and Beulah-Hubbard I high schools. Carthage and Sebastopol were visited on Vov. 16 and Lake, Morton and Scott Central on Nov. 18. The college choir under the lirection of R. G. Fick will resent a program of sacred Zhristmas music. These Irograms are scheduled for Sunday,Dec. 5, at 7 p. m. at the )ecatur Baptist Church; ruesday, Dec. 7 at assembly in he college auditorium; and on Wednesday, Dec. 8, they will *ecordon WTOK-TV for the brogram to be aired during the :hristrnas holidays. Mrs. Alyne Simmons of the East Central Junior College Snglish Department has vritten some original verse hat she will read during the : presentation of the sacred

Nov. 10. the CollcgLtns n i t ~ s i tDecc~tur.Hlckory dnd Bet lah-Htlbbdrd hlgh school>. Cdrthoge dnd Sebdstapol \4'111 be klclted on Nov. 15 dnd Lahc 3Iortoii and Scott Ceiltral o Nov. 18. Tile college chod under t h durectlon of R. G. Plck wi present a program of sacrc Ch r i ~ t i l l a ~ mlirir' The<

ECJC' choi r t o sing in Un i on

The East Central Jr. College Choir from Decatur, under %he direction of Mrs. Marion Thorton, will present a prpgram 6f Christmas Music December 16th at 7:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church of Union. This choir, thirti-five in number, will feature students from five adjoining counties and they will make a tour of these counties and present programs in some of the High Schools. They can also be heard and seen on Station WTOK - TV, Meridian, Miss., during December. ?* The public is cordially invited to attend this perfoi-mancc at the First Presbyterian Church.

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