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Alumnus Of The Year C.A. Carter, Jackson at- torney, has been named alum- nus of the year a t East Central Junior College. Mr. Carter, a member of the firm of Ca r t e r , ,Mitchell and Mitchell, was selected by the alumni association be- cause of his outstanding a- chievements in his selected field of endeavor. Born July 19, 1923, in Ne- shoba County, Mississippi, Carter is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Ca r t e r of Bloomo. Mr. Ca r t e r attended East Central Junior College in 1940-43. He received both his bachelor and master degrees in accounting from the Uni- versity of Mississippi and his training in law from the U- niversity of Mississippi School of Law. A member of the F i r s t Bap- tist Church of Jackson, Mr. Carter also s e r ve s a s a deacon. He is active in numerous civic and communi- ty organizations and is a mem- ber of numerus honoraries. Mr. Ca r t e r is married to the former Sue Haney of Ox- ford, and they have two chil- dren, Brad 15, and David, 12. Mr. Carter will b e re- cognized at the alumnibanquel to b e held at 6 P.M. Saturday, October 16, in the Mabrj Cafeteria on the campus oj East central ~ u n i o r College. A formal presentation of tht alumnus of the year will bt made during halftime activi- ties of the ECJC Warriors vs. the Holmes Bulldogs inn+- ball game scheduled for k off a t 7:30 P.M.

LW-. I/ C. A. Carter East Central .. :g?% I. E(' Alumnus Of Year I C. A. Carter, Jackson attorn- ey, has been named alumnus of the year a t East Central Junior / College. c a r t e r , a member of the firm of Carter, Mitchell and Mit chell, was selected by the alumni association because oj his outstanding achievements in his selected field of endeav. or. . Born July 19, 1923, in Nesho. ba County, Mississippi, Carter is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Carter of Bloomo. Carter attended Ea s t Central Junior College in 1940-43. He received his bachelor's and master's degrees in accounting from the University of Missis- , sippi and his training in law I from the University of Missis- sippi School of Law. Carter will be recognized a t the alumni banquet to be held a t 6 p. m. Saturday, October 16, in the Mabry Cafeteria on the campus of East Central Junior College. A formal pre- sentation of the alumnus of the year will be made during half- time activities of the ECJC Warriors vs. the Holmes Bull- dogs football game scheduled for kickoff a t 7:30 p. m. 4 r ru+&- /W*/*-,I;


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