Tingle, Philadelphia; ,ind Ste ~ h a n i eCook, Carthage, fresl j man maids.
Begins With parade coming Overau activities cha rman is Shelby I r horn Hay ~ o m e o m i n ~ activities at 1 set up in the lobby of t l e Fine 1 ris a i d student chairma, i East Central Junior College are Arts Center. Tickets f9r the 1 Richard Eakes. Courts commil set to get off with a bang game and for the alumni ban- 1 tee members are Mrs. Susi day afternoon with a parade through downtown Decatur. "4uet may be purchased here. , Barnett, Mrs. Lynda Burrough? The ECJC marching band un- Tickets for the homecoming 1 Betty Link. Registration con der the direction of Gilbert game are $2 for adults and $1 / mittee members are Rayinon Sommers and the Decatur High for students. Banquet tickets McMullan, Mrs. Martha Grz School marching band under the are $1.75. ham, Vicky Sullivan. direction of Jghn Wood will par- Immediately following the Members of the decoratio ticipate in the parade. Floats business meeting, the annual committee are Clinton Russel! from each of the clubs and or- alumni banquet will be held in Joe Clark, Mrs. Desma Kilp: ganizations on campus will also Mabry cafeteria. The banquet is trick,. Mrs. Ireme Wagner, Ck particpate in the parade. scheduled for 6 p. m. The Alum- eryl Hatch, and sqcial chaipne The parade is scheduled to / nus of the Year, C. A. Carter, from the women's dormitorie begin at 4:30 p. m. according: to will be recognized at the ban- and proctors from the men' Thomas Thrash, parade chair- quet. dormitories. man. Other members of the Kick-off time for the East The committee for th- decal parade committee include John Central Warriors vs. the Hol- ation of the dining hall is con! Lovett, Willard Clay, Larry mes Bulldogs is scheduled for posed of Mrs. Alyne Simmgn: King, Mary Gean Huclsc~n,Beth 7:30 P. m. 9n w ~ a l o r Field. Betty Nester, Nancy Wall ant Fulcher and Keith Fulton. Nancy Wall, sophornor:, from members of Phi Theta Kappa. The alumni business session Meridian, will be crtfivned ha- The welcoming conlmittee i will be held at 5:15 jn the Fine mecomirlg. queen during half- composed of Mrs. Ann Burke? Arts Center Auditiriurn. Elec- time actlvltles. Other members Ovid Vickers, Raymond McMul tion of officers for the coming of the homecoming cr:urt in- lan, Mrs. Susie Barnett, an year will be made at this time / clude Betty Nester, Lake, Maid Bruce Peterson. and plans for the formulation of' of honor; Brenda Rhodes, Phil- an ECJC Foundatiun will be adelphia; Jackie Blount, Deca-
ECJC ROYALTY--Looking over phanie Cook, Carthage; Susan Tingle, plans for homecoming activities to Philadelphia; Betty Nester, Maid of be held at East Central Junior Col- honor, Lake; Cindy Sparks, Forest; lege Oct. 16 are members of the and Nancy Wall, queen, Meridian. homecoming court. Seated, left to right, Standing are Jackie Blount, Decatur, are Brenda Rhodes, Philadelphia; Ste- and Jeanne Williams, Phialdelphia. -
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