
(SCOTTCOUNTY TIMES Combined With The Progress Herald) Due V


At East Central

Homecoming activities , at hast Central Junior College are set to get off with a bang Saturday afternoon with a parade through downtown Decatur. The ECJC Marching Band under the direction of Gilbert Sommers and the Decatur High School Marching Band under the direction of John wood will participate in the parade. Floats from each of the clubs and organizations on campus will also participate in The parade is scheduled to begin at 4:30 p. m. according to Thomas Thrash, parade chairman. Other members of the parade committee include John Lovett, Willard Clay, Larry King, Mary Gean Hudson, Beth Fuleher, and The alumni business session will be held at 5:15 in the Fine Arts Center Auditorium. Election of officers for the coming year will be made at this time and plans for the formulation of an ECJC Foundationwill be discussed at the meeting. An alumni registration desk will be set up in the lobby of the Fine Arts Tickets for the game and for the alumni banquet may be purchased here. Tickets for the homecoming game are $2 for adults and $1 for students. Banquet tickets are $1.75. Immediately following the business meeting, the annual - the parade. Keith Fulton. Center.

alumni banquet will be held in Mabry cafeteria. The banquet is scheduled for 6 p. m. The Alumnus of the Year C. A. Carter will be recognized at the banquet. Kick-off time for the East 1 Central Warriors vs. the Holrnes Bulldogs is scheduled for 7:30 p. m. on Warrior Field. Nancy Wall, sophomorefrom Meridian, will be crowned homecoming queen during half-time activities. Other members of the homecoming court include Betty Nester, Lake, maid of honor; Brenda Rhodes, Philadelphia; Jackie Blount, Decatur; and Cindy Sparks, Forest, sophomore maids; Jeanne Williams, Philadelphia; and Stephanie Cook, Carthage, freshmen maids. Overall chairman for homecoming activities is Shelby Harris and student chairman is Richard Eakes. Courts committee members are Mrs. Smie Barnett, Mrs. Lynda Burroughs, Betty Link. Registration commi t t ee members are Raymond Mc- Mullan, Mrs. Martha Graham, Vicky Sullivan. Members of the decoration committee are Clinton RusselI, Joe Clark, Mrs. Desma Kilpatrick, Mrs. Irene Wagner, Cheryl Hatch, and social chairmen from the women's dormitories and proctors from the men's dormitories. The committee for the decoration of the dining hall is composed of Mrs. Alyne Simmons, Betty Nester, Nancy Wall and members of Phi Theta Kappa. The welcoming committee is composed of Mrs. Ann Burkes, I Ovid Vickers, Raymond Mc- Mullan, Mrs. SusieBarnett and Bruce Peterson.




Scott Students





Sophomore Nancy Wall will reign over homecoming ac- I tivities to be held on the / campus of East Central Junior Miss Wall was elected queen during a recent campus election. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Havard Wall of Meridian. Miss Wall is secretary of the Student Body Association a t East Central. Servingas maid of honor will be Betty Nester of Lake. Sophomore maids include Jackie Blount, Decatur; Janis Byran, Philadelphiq; and / Cindy Sparks, Forest. Fresh- men maids are Susan Tingle, Stephanie Cook and Jeanne Homecoming activities will begin at 4:30 p. m. Oct. 16 with a parade through Decatur. This will be followed by an Alumni Business meeting a t I College Oct. 16. Williams, Philadelphia.


' 1 East Central i Homecoming Court I s Told

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East Central unior College wjll observe its annual home- coming Saturday, October 25. Classes to be honored will be 1939, 1949, 1959, and 1969. Ac- tivities for the day will include a parade through Decatur at p. m., an alumni business eeting at 5 p. m. in the li- ary, ari alumni banquet at p. m. in the cafeteria and a otball game agianst Pearl iver with the presentation of e homecoming queen and her urt at half-time. I A Leake countian, Miss Kar- en Cooper of Carthage, is a nlember of the court. Alumni Association Presi- ent Master McMullan has an- ounced that Mr. Arthur Win- Lead will be honored at the lumni banquet as the college's lumnus of the Year. Mr. Win- tead attended East Central, ien New County Agri. High chool, from 1962 through 1926. [e later served on the board


orf trustees of the college from 1936 to 1943. In 1942 he was elected to serve in .U. S. Con- gress, a post which he held for 22 years. At present Mr. Win- stead is serving as Commis- sioner of Public Welfare in Mississippi. Homecoming Queen Deborah Pierce will be crowned at half time of the football game. The queen's court includes Maid of Honor Nona Butler, Sophomore Maids Dottie Horn, Patty Hat- cher -and Patsy Nester, and Freshman Maids Karen Coc er, Paula Hollingsworth, a Debbie Pearson.

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