Jv.iss Whinm·ry has !wen l'il'cll'd · and deserving student at USM," : tracting Company has been in to thl' HomP Economics Club sPlected by the special \ operation in many southern and Kappa Omicron Phi, Scholarship Committee, and i states for more than 20 years . national home economics administered through the USM 1 Members of the firm are: 0. L. honorary. Foundation. Sims, president; Ray A. Sims, The scholarship of $500 is · With headquarters locatep in vice president, and Harley L. awarded annually to "a capable Hattiesburg, the L&A Con- Sims, secretary-treasurer.
Sherri Whinnery Gets Sc~olarship At Southern Sherry Whinnery, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.H . Whinnery of Carthage, is recipient of the L&A Contracting Company I Scholarship at the University of Southern Mississippi for the current session. Miss Whinnery was valedictorian of the senior class at Walnut Grove Attendance Center where she received numerous honors including the National High School Award for Excellence. While attending East Central Junior College in Decatur for two years, she was elected president of the Freshman Women's Council; secretary of the Sophomore Wortl.en's Council, and was chosen to be included in ECJC Hall of Fame. She was a member of Collegians, a singing group ; the Baptist Student Union Choir; ECJC Players, and Phi Theta Kappa, honorary junior college fraternity, as well as serving as Leake County's Miss Hospitality in 1969. Since transferring to Southern where she is a senior majoring in !Jome Economics Education,
TOP HONORS--Recently elected to top honors by the students of East Central Junior College are Mr. and Miss ECJC, Mickey Sessions, Forest, and Lucy Young, Morton. Sessions was a member of the Warrior football team and was elected permanent co-captain of the team while Miss Young has served as president of the Student Body Associa– tion and bas been an active participant in women's intra- murals.
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