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Student MEA Picks Halbert, Fowler, Duke, Jol1nston An Air Force veteran from Ivow to work to unify all student Am?ry! now a student ~t Mi~- 1 educators_ in Mississippi in one s1ss1pp1 State Umvers1ty, rn organlZiatrnn. president of the Student 'IVI1ss1s- . . · i Education Association for Also given . favorab_le . action ~;f P . r was a resolut10n pet1t10nmg the ' e co.mmg yea · . Mississippi Legislature to enact He is Lo~ Halbert, an, mdus- legislation clearly defining the trta! education student Wno wi.ll legal status of student teachers begm graduate studies this assigned to various elementary summer· and secondary schools as a part 'Phe oHicers, all elected at the of their teacher education curri– recent meet.in,<: of t'1e S~udent culum. MEA here, also include Gene the assembly failed to pass a Fowler, _a student at De.lta resolution urging legislative ap– Stat.e, vice president; Miss prova:l of the 13 year old vote Wanda Duke, a student at East 1£or state and local elections. Central Junior College, secre- - tary and Dr. Gordon Johnston of iMSU, advisor.

Fowler, a native of Benoit, is presently serving as vice pres– ident of the local chanter of the Student Education Association. Miss Duke is a sophomore at East Central .Junior College in >Decatur. Dr. Gordon Johnston is a pro- 1fessor in the College of Educa– tion at Mississippi State Uni– versity. .Major issues studied and act– ed upon by the delegates in– cluded a reaffirmation of their affiliation with the Mississippi Education Association and a

ELECTED BY STUDENT MEA - Officers elected by the Student Missis– sippi Educa tion Association include, seated, Lou Halbert of Mississippi State University, ~resident, and,

standing, from left, Gene Fowler of Delta State College, vice president; Wanda Duke of East Central Junior College, secretary; and Dr. Gordon Johnston of MSU, advisor. '


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