

paper, the Tom-Tom. He is also a member of the Phi Theta Kappa honorary fraternity, ser– ving as an officer this year. He is a member of the election committee, serving as chair~ man. Also in the way of extra– curricular activities, he is a member of the ECJC choir, the mixed ensemble, and the boy's quartet. He is also an ac– tive member of the BSU. He has lettered in tennis for two years , being the number one singles player this spring. Also this spring he had one of the major supporting roles in the college production of "Okla– homa." Mr. Rives has also taken part in numerous activities of his church, .Clarke Venable Baptist Church in Decatur. He is a member of both the Youth and adult choirs. He served as youth pastor last year during youth activiti

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ECJC Chapter, SMEA, Gets Top Honor At. Convention

The East Central Junior Col– lege Chapter of the student Mis– sissippi Education Association captured top honors at the 14th annual spring convention in Jackson. To further distinguish the chapter, Marcia Beard of Mor– ton was elected state recording secretary. Miss Bearddefeated Evon Baggett of William Carey for the position. The East Central Chapter was awarded the Category m Plaque for outstanding service to the campus and for the fulfillment of certain criteria as es– tablished by the SMEA Execu– tive Committee as Advisory Boacd. Category m is the awards division set up for junior col– lege competition. Other awards given are Category II, senior college, can Category I, uni– versities and graduate degree granting institutions. The win– ners of these awards wereWil– liam Carey College and the University of Southern Missis– sippi, respectively o Others from East Central who participated in the two– day conference along with Miss Beard were Barbara Sue Ezelle of Decatur, Melinda stewart of Forest, Cathy Carter of Phila– delphia, Wanda Duke of Jack– son, and Mrs. Alice Pouncey, Advisor. The representatives partici-

pated in discussion groups, lis– tened to addresses by a father– son education team and a reactionary panel, and took part in the Delegate Assemble. The Delegate Assemble, which met on the second day of the con– vention, revised the state SMEA constitution and elected of– ficers. Other state officers are Gwin Stallworth, MSCW, President; and _Louis Halbert, MSU, Vice– President. The out-going president, Robert Smith of Union, and out– going state recording secre– tary, Linda Lathem of Sebas– topol, are former East Central students.


David Rives Named To ECJC Hall Of Fame


David Rives, son of Mr. and Mr. Rives' academic work Mrs. F rank Rives of Decatur, in the pre-dentistry curriculum and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. ha s been outstanding. He has F . N. Rives, Route 1, Lena, has maintained a 3.89 average out been selected to the East Cen- of a possible 4.0. Last year he tral Junior College Hall of was chosen to receive the Fame. The requirements for ECJC math award in Awards this high honor are: (1) The Day, and this year received the student must have displayed Edwin Miller Alumni Memor– outstanding leadership quali- ial Award for medical ser– ties during his two years at vices and the Best Supporting East Central ; (2) He must Actor Award in drama. have maintained a high aca - Mr. Rives plans to complete demic average ; and (3) His his pre-dental work at Missis– chara cter must be beyond re- sippi State University before proach. According to one of his he enrolls next spring in the nominations, "David has main- Dental College of the Univer– tained an excellent academic sity of Tennessee in Memphis. aver age while at the same time _,,--------------

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t aking time to participate in dramatic productions, the mus- ic program, clubs and organi· zations, and the tennis team ." Along with numerous other responsibilities, Mr. Rives has served as editor of the school


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