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EAST CENTRAL FRESHMAN FAVORITES - The students at ECJC have elected Freshman Favorites for the year 1969-70•. Pictured are Karen Cooper, Carthage; Mickey Sessions, For– est; Wanda Comans, Sebastopol; and Lucy Young of Morton. Not pitcured are Bill Bingham of Newton and Mark Hatcher of Nanih Waiya. Lucy Young is the daughter of Spurgeon Young of Morton. ~e is active in Women's Jntramurals at EC and plans to attend Southern after graduation from there. \ . ...... . ·- .- ... -.._ .
ECJC May Queen Gwyn Hardin, Sebastopo1 sophomore, will reign as May Queen at the annual May Day celebration at East Central Junior College May 6. Activities are scheduled for 6:30 p.m. in the old gym. Hall of Fame and Who's Who winners will also be presented. 1
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