2 ECJC Girls Elected To The Hall Of Fame Two sophmore co-eds have been elected to the Hall of Fame at ECJC. Linda La– them and Gail Fulton were chosen recently by a panel of judges to received the high– est honor that can be attlined by an ECJC student. They were chosen because of out– standing achievements in scholarship, leadership, per– sonalit;y and character. Linda Lathem, a resident of Sebastopol, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim B. Lathem. Her scholastic achievements include a 4.0 average for the two years at East Central. Linda has demonstrated her leadership by serving as col– umnist for the Tom-Tom dur– ing her freshman year, and as co-editor this year. She ~s also served as reporter for Phi Theta Kappa, secre– tary of Sigma TauSigma,pub– lic relations director of Wes– ley, and a member of Delta Psi Omega, ECJC Players, and the Wo-He-Lo staff. Linda is secretary of SEA, and was recently elected as State Cor– responding Secretary of SM EA. Her plans are to major in English and Journalism. Gail Fulton is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ful– ton of Philadelphia. While at East Central she has main– tained a 3.91 average, and was the recipient of the Math award and the choral award during her freshman' year. Gail has served in many ca– pacities, including accompa– nist for the choir and Bel cantos, pianist and treasurer of the Wesley Foundation, re– porter for Alpha Alpha Ep– silon, and is a member of
SHERRI WHINNERY Sherri Whinnery Named To ECJC Hall Of Fame Sherri Whinnery has been named to the Hall of Fame at East Central Junior College. This is one of the highest hon– ors which can be attained by an East Central student. Sherri, a home economics major, has maintained a 3.86 quality point average. She has been active in the ECJC choir, Collegians and Bel Cantos. She has served as secretary of the Home Economics Club, presi– dent of the Freshman Women's Council, historian of Phi Theta Kappa and secretary of the sophomore Women's Council. She was a member of the an- nual staff and took part in the ECJC Players' production of "Good-bye, My Fancy" last fall. Also, she has taken an ac– tive part Vt BSU and the BSU choir. -; Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Whinnery of Rt. 1, Carthage. She is the granddau– ghter of Mrs. Mary Hall of Walnut Grove and J . N. Whin– nery of Philadelphia and the late Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Langs– ton of Carthage.
PAULA SIMMONS .•..• honored Louisvillian Selected For Hall of Fame Miss Paula Simmons daughter of Mr. and Mrs' Paul Simmons, has been se~ lected for inclusion in . the 1970-71 Hall of Fame at East Central Junior College, Deca– tur. Miss Simmons is a music major, and has served as accompanist for the choir for two years. During her fresh– man year, she served as ac– companist for :· the .' musical "Oklahoma." She is now serv~ ing as vice president of the music educators national con– fere~ce and Phi Theta Kappa. She JS president of theWesley Foundation, a member of the Collegians, and Bel Cantos.
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