A 1967 graduate of Scott Central Attendance Center, Miss Bailey attended East Central Junior College before joining the Times staff in September, 1969. She is the daughter of Constable and Mrs. W. J. Bailey. Registration is at 10:00 a. m. Saturday, March 19, followed by a Get-acquainted period, after which the group will be entertained at lunch during a cruise on " The Ride-with– Rose". At some time during the conference each par– ticipant will have an op– portunity to give a two to five minute talk on one of the five subjects suggested by the officials. ·:-· Saturday evening, with the State officers of BPW as hostesses, there will be a Seafood Jamboree. The en– tertainment will be Mrs. S. M. Montgomery's rendition of "Don't Believe All You Hear About Grand-ma's." At a buffet breakfast on Sunday morning Miss Ann Bryson, State Young Career Woman of 1971, will be the speaker. By vote of the girls themselves a Young Career Woman of 1972 will be elected and her coronation will climax the conference.
Miss Bailey Chosen As Career Girl Jeannie Bailey, 22 year old reporter-photographer for the Scott County Times, has been chosen local Career Girl of the Year by the Forest Business and Professional Women' s Club. Miss Bailey will compete for the State Career Girl title at the annual B&PW convention to be held March 18-19 at the Sheraton Hotel in Biloxi. She will be accompanied to the coast by Mrs. Myrtle High, president of the Forest B&PW Club and club members Miss Madorie White, Mrs. Alice Laird, Mrs. Charles Graham, and Mrs. Tim Bradford.
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