Warrior Magazine June 2020

with me sometimes when I tell people I have great children in spite of their daddy, not because of him. I believe that to be true. I’m so proud of my children. They aren’t perfect, but neither are their dad or mom. Stephen, Will, Elizabeth, and Emily are wonderful young men and women who bless me, challenge me, encourage me, uplift me, make me laugh, make me cry, and make me appreciate life and the blessings of being their dad.” Stewart was quick to point out that one does not get to a position of leadership on their own and was adamant that he would not be where he is today without the love and en couragement of his family of which he speaks so kindly. “I’ve mentioned my dad and the impact he had on me and his commitment to doing things well. After getting married and having children, he became one of my best friends. My mother (Linda Thompson Stewart) also has had and con tinues to have a great influence on my life. She is a strong woman, quiet, one of the sweetest ladies in the whole world, who never says a negative thing about anyone. She always made our home a calm one. She supports me, encourages me, and prays for me daily. Many of the things I’ve been able to do in my life, she’s been a big part of them and I am so grateful for her. “My children, Stephen and his wife, Louise, Will, Elizabeth, and Emily, I’m grateful for all of my children and the impact they have on my life. I hope they all know how much I love them and care about them and how much they are a part of any success I’ve ever experienced. Every time the Lord moved us to a new job and a new community, their response was to simply follow where He was leading us. Their willing ness to go wherever God told us to go as a family has been a huge blessing to me. “And then there’s my wife, Stephanie. We met at Temple Baptist Church in 1990. I cannot imagine doing life without her. We have been together now for more than 30 years. She is my biggest cheerleader and my biggest supporter. She doesn’t want to be out front and be seen. She is comfortable being where she is and doing what she’s doing, and there is no way I could do what I have been blessed to do without her in my life. I love her with all my heart, and I am thankful every day that God blessed me with her. I love her more to day than I did when we first got married. She is a wonderful mother and wife and she is my best friend. I look forward to spending more time with her in retirement. I look forward to us being together, traveling together, visiting children and grandchildren (one day) together. I don’t know what the future holds for us, but we know Who holds the future and we trust Him. “I want my family to know how appreciative I am for all they have done and continue to do. Anything I have ever

done professionally, I have done it with their support and encouragement and I couldn’t be more thankful for them.” Many were surprised by Stewart’s retirement announce ment and would say he is leaving at the top of his game at a still young age. So how does one know when it’s time to retire? “I have no idea. In the summer of 2019, I knew without a doubt this would be my last year. I don’t know why. I’m not exactly sure. I still don’t know what my next assign ment will be, even now. I just believe that I have done what God wanted me to do here. Although I have worked for a 30-member board of trustees at East Central, I really work for an audience of One and I want Him to be pleased and want Him to know He is the most important thing in my life, not a job, not a position, title, money or salary, but Him. So as I wind down my time at East Central, I look back with fondness at all the memories I’ve made, all the wonderful people who I’ve had a chance to meet—students, parents, community members. In terms of the future, I don’t know. I’m open to do whatever God tells me to do. Immediately, we are staying here for a year for Emily to finish her senior year of high school at Newton County, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to do that.” When asked what his favorite verse of Scripture is, Dr. Stewart was quick to respond with Acts 4:13: “When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized they were unschooled and ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note these men had been with Jesus.” “That is what I hope can be put on my tombstone one day,” he said. “Not that he was president of East Central, not that a building was named in his honor, but when they saw Billy Stewart and saw that he was a just an ordinary old fel low, they were astonished and took note that Billy had been with Jesus. That’s what I want more than anything. I want people to recognize by the fruits of my life and the things I do and say and the attitude with which I do and say them, that I’ve spent time with Jesus. Jesus changed my life, and He can change theirs too. “I never have and never will want this to be about me. That’s why I told Dr. Jimmy Hollingsworth (Board of Trust ees Chairman) when I walk out of my office on June 30, that’s really all I want to do. No fanfare. This institution is bigger than any one person and it’s going to move forward and flourish because of the great people who work here and the wonderful students who enroll here. I pray that East Central will continue to grow and make an impact in the lives of students, our community, and parents. I also pray that people would truly see that there is something going on here that cannot be explained other than God is at work.”


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