Warrior Magazine June 2020
ability, Respect, Enthusiasm, Efficiency, and Creativity, which help define the college’s highest priorities and deep est held beliefs, and features five institutional commitments of Student Success, Teaching & Learning, Commu nity Partnerships, Resource Planning & Development, and Communication. He said it’s not something he accom plished on his own and that the input from students, staff and the commu nity is what made it such a success. “I didn’t come up with 2020 Vision . I developed the process by which we gathered the information, but there were several people, groups, and committees involved in creating 2020 Vision . And, I think it’s worked so well because of that. There’s a verse that says, ‘Where there is no vision, the people perish.’ I choose to take the reverse of that and say, ‘Where there is a vision, people thrive.’ I think that’s what happened with 2020 Vision . We went to every county and people had the opportunity to come in and say ‘this is what I want East Central to look like in the year 2020.’ “What a wonderful time that was to listen and respond and craft and develop and dream. And then people bought into the vision that they helped create. Individuals who were invested in East Central were able to come in on the front end and as a result, they had a sense of ownership of the vision. Once that was completed, I had the opportunity to preach the vision and that’s what I did. It became a part of the fabric of our college. So, I believe it’s worked so well because of the broad-based input we had at the begin ning. People invested in the college had an opportunity to develop a vision for
the future of the college. “And the other thing was, we actu ally followed the plan. I know of many colleges where there’s a pretty strategic plan, but no one knows what it is or what it says. From my perspective, I have a copy of 2020 Vision on my desk and used it as a filter for every deci sion we made as a college. If we wanted sidewalks and lighting, I wanted to know how that would help us become who we want to be and who we’re sup posed to be.” Now it’s 2020 and time to begin again. Stewart said after eight years, circumstances in the counties the col lege serves have changed. The demo graphics in the district have changed. The workforce needs have changed. He says now it’s time for a new vision for the college, and he hopes he has an opportunity to participate in the de velopment of the new vision, as both a private citizen and someone who loves East Central and wants to see it thrive. Strategic initiatives and goals ac complished over the past eight years have included great strides not only in instruction, but in the college’s physi cal plant. There are several updated and new buildings, a campus standard for graphics, décor, and furniture, new sidewalks and lighting. So what has been the most prevalent change and what would Stewart consider his great est accomplishment? “All the things you mentioned are really important and great accomplish ments for the college in and of them selves,” he said. “Standard colors, light poles, classroom desks, even the rest rooms all look the same. We needed to have everything tied together and the standards we have adopted have been a great thing. When I first arrived, I did notice the lack of lighting on campus at night. So, for me, that became an immediate priority. Sidewalks and easy access also became a priority especially
for those who are physically chal lenged. The things we’ve been able to do, even the little things like banners on light poles, overhead utilities being placed underground, when people see that you take pride in the physical envi ronment and infrastructure of campus, they then take pride too. It just builds upon itself, one thing upon another, upon another. “However, I’m leading the effort to build on top of the foundation people have built long before me. (Dr. Eddie) Smith, (Dr. Phil) Sutphin, (Ovid) Vick ers, (Lucille) Wood, (Dr. Brad) Tucker and so many others who came before me. There is a verse in Deuteronomy which says that we all drink from wells we did not dig. I’ve often quoted that verse, and that’s really what I feel here at East Central. The foundation built by so many who came before us is very firm. And, I’m hopeful that when I walk out on June 30 the foundation is firmer and the next president and current and future employees and students can build on the foundation we started in 2012.” The day he officially took the reins and met with the staff of East Central Community College, Dr. Stewart began to talk about and encourage everyone to do things the “EC Way: Excellence
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