Warrior Magazine June 2019

PBL-sponsored food pantry opens A ribbon cutting was held during the spring semester for a new campus food pantry sponsored by the college’s Theta Chi Chapter of Phi Beta Lambda. Warrior POST (Providing Others Support Together) provides free non-perishable food items and other life necessities to cur rently enrolled students with demonstrated need. It is located in the Tucker Applied Technology Center. The idea originated from ECCC academic counselors Lanette Hanna and Jennifer Savell, who recognized the need during con versations with students on campus. “After talking with dorm residents who are not able to go home every weekend, we realized that some of our students don’t always have access to food or a seven-day meal plan,” said Hanna. “We began tossing around the idea about how to estab lish a food pantry to accommodate these students.” Hanna and Savell reached out to PBL sponsor Christy Fergu son, whose student organization was more than willing to adopt the pantry as a service project. To apply for assistance, students must complete and submit an online application form, which is available on the Warrior POST website at www.eccc.edu/warrior-post. Any person or organization can make donations of non-per ishable food items and other necessities to the food pantry. A list of currently needed items is on the website. PBL is a national business education association for students interested in careers in business and business-related fields. It is the largest career student organization in the world.

Mail news to: The Warrior Magazine P.O. Box 129 Decatur, MS 39327 Email news to: mmcleod@eccc.edu

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