Warrior Magazine December 2019

ECCC President Dr. Billy Stewart announces retirement

ECCC President Dr. Billy Stewart an nounced his retirement effective July 1, 2020. The announcement was made at the November Board of Trustees meeting on campus. Stewart was announced as the col lege’s eighth president on March 22, 2012. At East Central, Stewart initiated a strategic planning process to shape and guide the future of the institution. As a result, 2020 Vision was adopted in February 2013 and included a long term desire to be nationally recognized and locally preferred while meeting the educational and training needs of all residents of the college district. “When the East Central Community College Board of Trustees selected me as the college’s eighth president, I re ceived the greatest professional honor in my 30-year career in education,” said Stewart. “I believe as a result of the 2020 Vision The Lord gave us as an institution in February of 2013, the foundation that was laid by all of those who came before, and the tireless work of the entire college family, we have achieved remarkable results as an institution. In many ways, that vision

will have been realized by the end of next year. “I will treasure the continuing friendship and support of so many exceptional colleagues and students at ECCC. Working closely with all mem bers of the ECCC family has been one of the greatest joys of my professional career. I will always be grateful for the opportunity to have been a member of the ECCC family and for the profound privilege of serving this college as its president.” Chair of the ECCC Board of Trust ees Dr. Jimmy Hollingsworth said a search committee consisting of board members has been formed and began accepting applications Dec. 1 for the college’s next president. The Search Committee will accept applications through Jan. 31, 2020. The next presi dent will be announced at the March 2020 Board of Trustees meeting. Complete information on the search process and a timeline can be found at www.eccc.edu/presidential-search. A native of Pearl, Stewart earned his bachelor’s degree in history and his master’s degree in curriculum and in struction, both from the University of

Southern Mississippi, and his doctor ate in higher education administration from Mississippi State University. Prior to assuming the presidency at ECCC, he served as vice president for finance and administration at Missis sippi Gulf Coast Community College. Stewart has also worked as dean of community services and dean of the Simpson County Center for Copiah-Lin coln Community College. To date, he has served almost 30 years in various teaching and administrative positions in all levels of education in the state of Mississippi. PRESIDENTIAL SEARCH The search for the ninth president of East Central Community College officially began on Dec. 1. Information on the search, including the Position Opening Announcement, Job Description, Search Timeline, and other information, can be found online at www.eccc.edu/ presidential-search.


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