ELT 1413—MOTORCONTROLSYSTEMS—(Prerequisite: ELT 1193 Fundamentals of Electricity, or equivalent). This course will provide instruction in the installation of the different motor control circuits and devices. Emphasis is placed on developing student’s ability to diagram, wire and troubleshoot the different circuits and mechanical control devices. Two hours lecture. Two hours lab. Three semester hours credit. ELT 2114 — EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE, TROUBLESHOOTING, AND REPAIR — This course includes maintenance and troubleshooting techniques, use of technical manuals and test equipment, and inspection/ evaluation/repair of equipment. One hour lecture. Six hours lab. Four semester hours credit. ELT 2424 — SOLID STATE MOTOR CONTROL — (Prerequisite: ELT 1413 Motor Control Systems and and Co-Requisite: ELT 2613 Programmable Logic Controllers). This course will introduce the students to the principles of solid state motor control. Includes instruction and practice in the design and installation of different solid state devices for motor control. Two hours lecture. Four hours lab. Four semester hours credit. ELT 2614 — PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS — (Prerequisite: ELT 1413 Motor Control Systems). This course will provide instruction and practice in the use of programmable logic controllers (PLC’s) in modern industrial settings. Includes instruction in the operating principles of PLC’s and practice in the pro gramming, installation, and maintenance of PLC’s. One hour lecture. Four hours lab. Four semester hours credit. ELT 2913 — SPECIAL PROJECT I — (Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor). This course will cover practical application of skills and knowledge gained in other electronics or electronics-related technical courses. The instructor works closely with the student to insure that the selection of a project will enhance the student’s learning experience. Six hours lab. Three semester hours credit. ELT 2933 — SPECIAL PROJECTS II — This course provides practical application of skills and knowledge gained in other electrical or electrical-related technical courses. The instructor works closely with the student to ensure that the selection of a project will enhance the student’s learning experience. Six hours lab. Three semester hours credit ENTREPRENEURSHIP MMT 2513 — ENTREPRENEURSHIP — This course provides an overview of activities that are involved in planning, establishing, and managing a small business enterprise. Topics to be covered include planning, location, analysis, financing, and development of a business plan. Three lecture hours. Three semester hours credit. HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING TECHNOLOGY ACT 1003 — INTRODUCTION TO HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING TECHNOLOGY — This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamental skills associated with all HVAC courses. Safety, basic tools, special tools, and equipment, communication skills, employability skills, and materials handling topics are included. Three semester hours credit, two hours lecture, two hours lab. ACT 1124 — BASIC COMPRESSION REFRIGERATION — This course is an introduction to the field of refrigeration and air conditioning. Emphasis is placed on the principles of safety, thermodynamics, and heat transfer. Two hours lecture. Four hours lab. Four semester hours credit. ACT 1133 — TOOLS AND PIPING — This course introduces various tools and pipe connection techniques. Covers tools and test equipment required in heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration. Two hours lecture. Two hours lab. Three semester hours credit. ACT 1213 —CONTROLS —This course will introduce fundamentals of gas, fluid, electrical and programmable controls. Two hours lecture. Two hours lab. Three semester hours credit. ACT 1313—REFRIGERATION SYSTEMCOMPONENTS—This course is an in-depth study of the components and accessories of a sealed system including metering devices, evaporators, compressors and condensers. Two hours lecture. Two hours lab. Three semester hours credit. ACT 1713 — ELECTRICITY FOR HEATING, VENTILATION, AIR CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION
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