Policies & Procedures Manual


Policy No: 300.3.3

Policy Contact: Vice President for Business Operations


There is an expectation of excellence for all students of East Central Community College (ECCC) to attain the highest level of achievement. Therefore, the ECCC Board of Trustees acknowledges that awards recognizing a student’s outstanding achievement(s) are necessary for the successful operation of the college. As such, the ECCC Board of Trustees authorizes the purchase of awards using Educational and General (E&G) Funds and/or Auxiliary Funds in recognition of outstanding student achievement based on a pre-determined set of criteria, contingent upon the availability of funds. These awards include, but are not limited to, Student Hall of Fame, Outstanding Student Awards, Academic Excellence Awards, Athletic Awards, etc. The President approves the list of student awards recognizing a student’s outstanding achievement(s). A complete listing of student awards; the predetermined, objective standards for each award; the maximum amount expended on each award; and additional information regarding these student awards can be found in the office of the President.

Public purchasing laws will be followed in the purchase of student awards by the college.

(Added 9/11/18)

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