Policies & Procedures Manual
Policy No: 821
Policy Contact: Vice President for Student Services
Policy Title: STUDENT DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES AND DUE PROCESS Students accused of violations of student rules or misconduct on campus will follow the procedures listed below when asked to appear before the Discipline Committee. Any violation considered serious enough for suspension from the College will be considered by the Discipline Committee. Disciplinary actions or complaints may be brought by either students or College personnel. Such actions or complaints must be presented to the Dean of Students who shall prepare a written account of the nature of the act. 1. The student affected will be notified in writing of the charges made and the time and place of the hearing. 2. The student affected will be informed of his/her rights at the time that he/she is presented with the charges. 3. The student will be allowed to have legal counsel at all times. 4. If desired, the student will be permitted to confront and question the party or parties initiating the charges. 5. The student will be notified in writing of the charges made and the action taken. 1. Formal presentation. 2. Supporting testimony and information on charges. 3. Response to the charge by the affected student. 4. Examination and questioning by members of the Discipline Committee. 5. Private deliberations by the Discipline Committee. 6. Recommendation of the Discipline Committee is submitted to the President of the College before final action. 7. Written record of the decision filed in the Vice President for Student Services’ Office with a copy sent to the student and a copy sent to his/her parent(s) or legal guardian. NOTE: The Vice President for Student Services has the authority to designate a special discipline Committee to cover situations when it is not feasible to convene the regularly appointed committee. Procedures Hearing Format
(Reviewed 3/8/16)
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