Policies & Procedures Manual
Policy No: 820
Policy Contact: Vice President for Student Services
East Central Community College is a state, district and community supported post-secondary institution. As such, the residents of the district hold certain expectations of the students as well as faculty, staff and administration. With this in mind the following regulations of student conduct have been developed. Recognizing that freedom is never absolute, but subject to reasonable restriction, the college expects students to conform to recognized standards of behavior, and to give serious attention to their class work. Furthermore, these behavioral regulations are in effect at all times on campus or whenever a student is representing East Central and/or whenever a student is being transported in a college-owned or sponsored vehicle. 1. East Central Community College takes pride in the appearance of its campus; therefore, students are to put trash and soft drink cans in the trash cans that are conveniently located throughout the campus. The Student Activity Center and the dormitory lobbies are for students’ leisure time and enjoyment; therefore, students are asked to assist in keeping them clean. 2. Possession and/or use of alcoholic beverages, narcotics or other controlled substances are pro hibited and are cause for dismissal. Violators will be required to appear before the appropriate authorities for disciplinary action. 3. Students who participate in gambling or stealing are subject to dismissal and will be required to appear before the appropriate authorities for disciplinary action and restitution. 4. Hazing, fighting, threatening another’s physical safety, comfort or life are all offenses for which one may be dismissed. Violators will be required to appear before the Discipline Committee. 5. Insubordination, preventing or attempting to prevent any student, college staff member, or official college visitor from carrying out their responsibility to the college, undertaking unauthorized actions in the name of the college, or disrupting or attempting to disrupt any class or college-sponsored activity is cause for dismissal, and the violator will be required to appear before the Discipline Committee. 6. Possession of firearms, (including, but not limited to BB Guns, Pellet Guns, and Air Guns) ammunition, explosives, fireworks, or weapons of any kind on campus or in campus facilities is a violation of campus regulations and the violator will be required to appear before the appropriate authorities for disciplinary action. 7. Loud music, undue noise and profanity are not permitted on campus, and violators will be required to appear before the appropriate authorities for disciplinary action. 8. Skateboards, hoverboards, Segways, and any other types of motorized scooters are prohibited on campus. 9. Academic dishonesty, cheating, or plagiarism are causes for dismissal, and violators will be required to appear before the Discipline Committee.
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