Policies & Procedures Manual
21. The following appliances may be used by students in the residence halls:
a. Computers b. Irons c. Dormitory size refrigerators (one per room) d. Microwave ovens (one per room) e. Televisions
f. DVD Players g. Video games h. Similar appliances as approved by the Director of Housing/Student Activities.
22. The following appliances may not be used by students in the residence halls:
a. Hot plates b. Full size refrigerators c. Window unit air conditioners d. Barbeque grills, unless they are at least twenty feet from the building. Grills cannot be used under the canopies or walkways of residence halls. 23. The Director of Housing/Student Activities and the Superintendent of the Physical Plant will conduct an end of the year damage inspection and during the week after school dismisses in the spring. When students withdraw from the dormitories at other times during the year, the housing staff assesses the room for damages. Damages will be recorded on the student’s withdrawal form. 24. Abandoned articles will be discarded after two weeks (14 consecutive days). Approval must be obtained in writing from the Director of Housing/Student Activities if a student leaves anything in his/her residence hall room after checkout day. (The College is not responsible for articles left in rooms.) 25. East Central Community College is not liable for any loss of or damage to possessions due to fire, natural disaster, theft, or any other circumstances beyond our control. The college reserves the right to inspect the living quarters of any student living on campus property any time that its administrative officials or their agents deem it to be in the best interest of the College. Courtesies will be observed with proper respect for the privacy of each resident. Periodic inspections will be made that will be concerned with the general cleanliness, dormitory damage, disorderly conduct, and excessive noise. Students are responsible for abiding by all college policies, rules, and regulations as stated in the Student Handbook. All students must attend any dormitory meetings called by Housing personnel. Students may not change dormitory rooms without proper authorization. Student Housing Contract
Rule Violations
Rule Violations will be grouped into three main categories: (Cross reference Policy 820.1, CLASS RATINGS OF STUDENT OFFENSES)
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