Policies & Procedures Manual
Policy No: 809
Policy Contact: Vice President for Public Information
East Central Community College produces two student publications, the WO-HE-LO , the college yearbook, and The Tom-Tom , the college newspaper. Student participation is voluntary. The role of the WO-HE-LO is to provide a written and pictorial history of each college year for the students and the college personnel. Its production also provides experiences for participating students in the various aspects of journalism involved in yearbook publication which include layout and design, photography, and writing. Control of the WO-HE-LO is maintained by the Publications Coordinator who approves recommendations concerning yearbook format and content. The Publications Coordinator also supervises production scheduling. The Publications Coordinator reports to the Vice President for Public Information. The Vice President for Public Information reports to the President who has final authority regarding yearbook content and production. The role of The Tom-Tom is to keep students and college personnel informed about campus news, activities and events. Production of The Tom-Tom allows participating students to develop creative abilities and writing skills and to gain experience in business functions, interviewing skills, graphic design, and photography. Control of The Tom-Tom is maintained by the Publications Coordinator who makes routine decisions concerning content and production scheduling. The Publications Coordinator reports to the Vice President for Public Information. The Vice President for Public Information reports to the President who has final authority regarding college newspaper content and production.
(Revised 2/9/16)
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