Policies & Procedures Manual
Upon approval, the College will prepare a statement that identifies with reasonable particularity the state of financial exigency, decline in student enrollment, and/or the program or organizational change. The President will communicate the statement to all institutional employees, together with a statement as to the timeframe to be employed in the RIF notification process. The President will charge the Vice Presidents with the responsibility for preparing a written report for their respective area(s) of responsibility. The report will detail advice and recommendations addressed to the precise circumstance and course(s) of action for the President’s consideration. The report from each Vice President will outline in terms as specific as circumstances permit the options readily apparent to the President that involve termination of employment. If the Vice President must recommend action that will involve termination of employment, the following prioritized determination criteria will be utilized: 1. The necessity of the position to College operations in order to maintain a sound and balanced program consistent with the mission of the College. 2. The employee’s overall performance as documented in his/her most recent employee evaluation. 3. Other written documentation regarding work performance, including but not limited to, verbal In situations where employee performance evaluations are equivalent, other written documentation regarding work performance is equivalent or does not exist, and the relative skills, knowledge, productivity, and value of employees are determined to be equivalent, the employee with the least continuous service with the program or service area will be separated from employment first. In the event a RIF becomes necessary, the College is committed to a rational, consistent, and non discriminatory means of providing for an orderly reduction in College personnel. Termination of a faculty member’s contract resulting from a RIF must be approved by the Board of Trustees upon a recommendation by the President and must be made in accordance with the provisions of these regulations. Termination of all other employees must be approved by the President and must be made in accordance with the provisions of these policies. Upon approval by the President and the Board of Trustees (where applicable), the Office of Human Resources will assist the responsible administrator with preparation of the necessary paperwork, including notification of a separation letter to employees impacted by a RIF. Employees should be referred to the Office of Human Resources for information about continuation of benefit coverage. If the situation in the College, educational program, unit, department, and/or service area within the College changes and open positions become available, the College may rehire employees separated by a RIF within six (6) months of the effective date of separation without following standard procedures for filling vacancies. However, separated employees who are interested in being rehired will be selected for rehire based upon meeting or exceeding minimum qualifications for the position(s) to be filled, their overall performance in their most recent performance evaluation, and length of prior service at the College. counseling sessions, written reprimands, suspensions with or without pay, etc. 4. The relative skills, knowledge, productivity, and value of the employee.
(Added 6/9/20)
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