Policies & Procedures Manual
Policy No: 744
Policy Contact: Vice President for Business Operations
East Central Community College’s progressive discipline policy serves as a fair and consistent means to enforce College rules and regulations and to address deficiencies in conduct and/or performance of employees. The purpose of progressive discipline is to retain employees through identification and correction of problems. The College asserts that: (a) failure to correct disciplinary problems may lead to suspension or termination, and (b) serious infractions may result in a recommendation for immediate termination. If a situation warrants corrective action, the disciplinary actions applied by supervisors at the College may include verbal counseling, a written reprimand, suspension with or without pay, and/or termination from employment. Supervisors may adhere to the progressive discipline steps as outlined in this policy beginning at the lowest step in the progressive discipline process, however, depending upon the relevant circumstances of the infraction(s), the College may take any disciplinary action, including immediate termination, at any time for cause. Relevant circumstances may include the seriousness or severity of the individual employee's deficiencies in performance and/or conduct, prior performance and/or conduct of the individual employee, and/or an assessment of appropriate factors identified during an investigation. Examples of actions or behaviors that may result in a recommendation for immediate termination without the necessity of prior warnings or attempts at progressive discipline may include, but are not limited to: 1. Conduct in opposition to the College's nondiscrimination and sexual harassment policies; 2. Improper use of work privileges for personal gain; 3. Theft of College property, personal property, or theft of service; 4. Falsification of records, time cards, or claiming sickness under false pretenses; 5. Absence from work without notification; 6. Disorderly conduct while on the job; 7. Deliberate, frequent, and/or recurring violations of stated safety regulations, even if they are not intentional; 8. Use or possession of, or being under the influence of, illegal substances or alcohol while at work; 9. Improper use of prescription and/or illegal drugs; 10. Possession of a firearm or illegal weapon(s); 11. Threatening physical harm, or actual physical violence to another member of the College community or visitor; 12. Breach of confidentiality, which is defined as releasing to unauthorized persons, or misuse of confidential information to which an employee is privy because of his/her job; and/or 13. Insubordination. The following progressive discipline procedures should be considered and documented when employees are being considered for discipline. Verbal counseling should be given for minor first and/or second offenses. The supervisor should meet with the employee and inform him/her what rule, order, or policy was violated and how to correct the deficiency. The employee should be given the opportunity to explain his/her conduct or behavior. The supervisor should obtain an acknowledgment from the employee that he or she understands the improper conduct or behavior and a commitment that improvement will be made. The supervisor must make a written record of all verbal counseling meetings and retain for possible future use. This discussion should be documented on a Report on Employee/Employer Interview A. Verbal Counseling
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