Policies & Procedures Manual
Policy No: 741.14
Policy Contact: Vice President for Instruction
Policy Title: ADVANCED STUDY FOR PAY PURPOSES – FACULTY Faculty members are urged to make arrangements for advanced study at regular intervals. In order to qualify for credit toward a salary increment, the faculty member must consult with the Vice President for Instruction before enrolling in a course. Course work not previously approved by the Vice President as a part of a degree program or in the teaching field cannot be accepted for pay purposes. Contracted salaries for full-time instructional personnel will be adjusted for increased educational levels achieved prior to September 1, of the contract year provided official transcript(s) are on file in the Office of the Vice President for Instruction. After September 1, no adjustments will be made for increased educational levels until contracts are issued for the next academic year. The College normally conducts a summer session, and it is necessary to have available a sufficient number of faculty members in each subject area to meet the student demand for the session. Therefore, arrangements for advanced study in the summer must be made with the Vice President for Instruction. In order to enable faculty members to continue their study at the least possible cost to the faculty members, the Vice President for Instruction and the President will support faculty members by actively investigating possibilities of sponsored or subsidized summer study.
(Revised 8/11/15; Reviewed 4/12/16)
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