Policies & Procedures Manual
Policy No: 719
Policy Contact: Vice President for Business Operations
Any employee of East Central Community College (ECCC) who intends to become a candidate for political office will notify the College President in writing two (2) weeks prior to publicly announcing his or her candidacy. Employees of ECCC who either seek or hold public office are prohibited from engaging in any activities during regular college work hours related to the public office being sought or held. Examples of prohibited activities include, but are not limited to: • Distributing or posting campaign literature on campus; • Conducting telephone conversations related to a campaign or public office; • Holding meetings on campus related to a campaign or office; and/or • Participating in off-campus meetings associated with the public office without first filing an approved leave form to account for the missed work time. ( Approval of the leave by the immediate supervisor is not guaranteed, as it is incumbent upon the supervisor to first make certain that college business will not be negatively impacted by the employee’s absence .) Any College employee campaigning for political office must make a public declaration that the views expressed are personal and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the College. The intent of this policy is to insure that ONLY official college business is conducted on college property at all times by employees, and that any real or perceived conflict of interest involving a college employee and the public office he/she seeks or holds is avoided. Candidates for public office are expected to devote full-time responsibilities to the College and honor the terms of their employment during their campaign. If the employee seeking public office is found to be in violation of this policy, he/she will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including, immediate termination. ECCC employees who are elected to a public office that would require resignation to accept the office are expected to resign their position with the College at the end of the semester preceding their assuming the office. Resignation will be required if holding the elected office would produce a conflict of interest such as appropriating funds for college operation, levying taxes to support the College, or exercising other decision-making authority which would affect the operation of the College. Employees seeking public office are responsible for obtaining a determination as to whether or not election to the position will require resignation from his/her position at the college. • Campaigning on campus;
(Revised 2/13/07; 12/16/14; Reviewed 5/17/16)
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