Policies & Procedures Manual


The on-campus summer school session is divided into multiple terms. Those part-time instructors who knowingly will not be present for an entire term will not be offered the opportunity for teaching during that term.

Summer, Evening, and/or Overload Pay for Full-time Faculty

All full-time academic and career & technical instructors will be paid for summer, evening, and overload classes as determined by the Vice President for Instruction at the rate of $650.00 per semester credit hour. The on-campus summer school session is divided into multiple terms. Those full-time instructors who knowingly will not be present for an entire term will not be offered the opportunity for teaching during that term. Contracted salaries for full-time instructional personnel will be adjusted for increased educational levels achieved prior to September 1, of the contract year provided official transcripts are on file in the Office of the Vice President for Instruction. After September 1, no adjustments will be made for increased educational levels until contracts are issued for the next contract year. For additional information regarding pay advanced study for full-time, non-instructional personnel, please refer to Policy 709.1 ADVANCED STUDY FOR PAY PURPOSES – NON-FACULTY. Educational Updates

(Revised 4/09/13; Revised 2/11/14; Revised 6/14/16; Revised 8/9/16)

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