Policies & Procedures Manual



Part-time/Adjunct Faculty

Part-time/adjunct faculty are employed to provide instruction in the day, evening, summer, and/or e Learning program of the College. The Vice President for Instruction accepts applications for part time/adjunct faculty. Part-time/adjunct faculty must meet the same academic and professional qualifications as full-time instructional personnel and must perform the same classroom functions as full time faculty members. Part-time/adjunct faculty are employed on a per course basis with no provision for future employment implied or expressed. Compensation for part-time/adjunct faculty is determined on the same basis as is the overload compensation for full-time faculty. Applicants for part-time/adjunct faculty positions must submit an application for employment, resume, official transcripts for all college work, all paperwork as required by the Human Resources office, and a letter of recommendation from their current employer. The Dean/Director/Division Chairperson will conduct two reference checks on a recommended candidate. Prospective part-time instructors are interviewed by the Dean/Director/Division Chairperson. The Dean/Director/Division Chairperson makes the recommendations for the employment of part-time instructors to the Vice President for Instruction. Final approval of the employment of part-time instructors is made by the President. The employment of part-time instructors does not require Board of Trustees’ approval. The office of Human Resources maintains the official personnel files for all part-time faculty. Part-time employees are defined as those who work 19 or less hours per week and do not qualify for benefits. Applicants for part-time positions must submit an application for employment. The supervisor of the part-time position will conduct two reference checks on a recommended candidate. Prospective part-time employees are interviewed by the supervisor of the position. The supervisor makes recommendations for the employment of part-time employees to his/her appropriate supervisor and then to the appropriate Vice President. Final approval of the employment of part-time employees is made by the President. The office of Human Resources maintains the official personnel files for all part time, hourly employees with copies of the payroll files maintained in the Business Office. A part-time employee may not be internally transferred into a full-time position without following the appropriate policy on Appointments and Employment Procedures in the Policies and Procedures Manual. Individuals employed as Student Services Assistants who work 20 hours per week to assist with dormitory supervision, wellness center supervision, etc., and who volunteer to assist an athletic team at the College will be recommended by the Vice President for Student Services after consultation with the Director of Athletics. Final approval of the employment of Student Services Assistants is made by the President. Needs at the College may arise where a part-time employee, in a combination of two (2) or more part time positions, works 20 or more hours per week and thus may qualify for benefits. Supervisors of part time positions at the College are encouraged to avoid this, if possible. Should such a need arise, the supervisor(s) of the two (2) or more part-time positions must obtain prior approval of the appropriate Vice President(s) and the President prior to the effective date of employment. Part-time Employees

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