Policies & Procedures Manual


2. Vans - These vehicles are assigned to groups which have from seven to twelve passengers.

3. Mini Bus - This vehicle is assigned to groups which have 10 to 22 passengers.

4. Regular Buses - These vehicles are assigned to groups from 22 to the capacity of the bus.

Transportation of Student Groups

Student groups performing public services away from East Central do so for a variety of reasons. In some instances, the group is officially representing the College; in other cases, the trip is primarily for the benefit of the student group. In order for the group to officially represent the College, an invitation must be submitted to the Vice President for Student Services for administrative action. If the invitation is approved, then the College will provide and pay for the transportation. Please also see Policy 612, CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES.

Personal Automobile

A personal automobile may be used for official business, with the President’s approval, when a school vehicle is not available or when the vehicle is inconvenient for short trips. In case of accident or injury, the vehicle owner’s insurance will be the primary source of payment. Request for reimbursement of travel expenses incurred should be made promptly in accordance with East Central Community College travel procedures. An employee without a valid driver’s license will not be reimbursed for mileage.

Texting is prohibited while operating any vehicle while on College-related business.


Payment for Travel - A voucher for travel reimbursement must be submitted to the Business Office within one week of completion of travel. This is required even though travel advance was received. All travel reimbursement vouchers must be covered by an approved travel request in order for payment to be made. Claims for reimbursement are limited to actual expenses which are reasonable and customary. Receipts are required for all expenses, other than meal costs. Per Diem for meals is limited to $25.00 per day in state and $30.00 for out-of-state meals. An exception will be made for attending a banquet at a convention, in which case the full cost of the banquet will be allowed, (receipt required). Per Diem for meals for travel to in-state areas which are designated by the Department of Finance and Administration as high cost areas shall be $30.00 per day. Reimbursement for meals for travel to out-of-state cities which are designated in the Federal Register as “high cost’ areas will be based on reimbursement rates adopted by the State of Mississippi. For such high cost areas, the statutory maximum meal allowances per day are $30.00, $35.00, or $40.00, depending on the geographic area of travel. The actual cost of the hotel room will be allowed plus any garage fee necessary in conjunction with the hotel. No reimbursement will be allowed for tips. Paid receipts (except for meals) and a copy of the approved travel request must be attached to the travel voucher in order to obtain reimbursement for the travel expense. Reimbursement for meal expenses will be made only for travel that involves an overnight stay. A list of towns frequently visited is listed below with established mileage from Decatur. Travel vouchers are paid on the basis of this mileage.

Booneville Carthage Chunky Conehatta Hickory



72 31

50 21 12 10

Forest Fulton


Goodman Perkinston



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